STOP manipulating opinion by censoring the opinions posted
PLEASE EXPLAIN why the following is rejected from being posted for any reason other than YAHOO trying to manipulate the opinions posted in comments..... WHAT CONTENT does YAHOO find offensive in the following...: Companies like Papa Johns are just following the SAME business plan perfected by Walmart of playing the game of NOT PAYING their EMPLOYEES... making EVERY TAXPAYER subsidize their business' by those employees collecting WELFARE while they themselves pocket the 'Gravy Train'.... Just goes to show you how strung-along the gullible actually are and how THEY THEMSELVES are supporting the WELFARE STATE that they all whine about..... TELL PAPA JOHNS... WALMART.... and all the other mooching millionaire rackets to GET OFF WELFARE

Josh Quick commented
There is blatant hate and censorship from yahoo. If you don't fit their anti-american bias they won't post your comment. This is the start to the fascism you people scream about and you are the one perpetuating it. FREEDOM OF SPEECH FOR ALL. Not just biased trash like yahoo
AM Heredia commented
Rebel62 not anonymous
Why are you symbolizing words in THIS section.
What is so offensive about the word reetaaarrrrddd when used as an example or used do define something. Like right now I have to misspell it to TRY to get my point across.
Are you TRYING to pisssss off people to the point that we go somewhere else? Cause I am pretty fed up and close to going to MSN/gmail and forget about yahoo and their intrusive CENSORS..
AM Heredia commented
Rebel 62.... not anonymous!
I too have posted comments that did not violate any guidelines.
I don't know how many do the job, but I feel like it is maybe one or two that get their sensibilities mixed up with doing their job. Like symbolizing the word ******. I didn't call anyone that, just defined the word. Funny thing is they symboled the word but left the definition intact. How ridiculous is that?
I insinuate A LOT but I don't cross any of the guidelines. Like saying tRumptards are thin-skinned and retaliated in a juvenile manner to someone with a Muslim sounding moniker.
I simply said that tRumptards don't like to be talked down to by some "stinkin' Muslim." Good Job, keep it up.
The Yahoo censors took that down. so I put it this way. tRumptards don't like being talked down to by someone that has a name that sounds like yours (how is that you snowflake Yahoo censors).
They removed that comment as well.
I just would like to know who is watching the watchers and can they do their job and remove these undeserving prudes from a job that they are obviously ill-equipped to handle.
will kozer commented
What is the 'violation' that prevents me from posting the following other than Yahoo's political opinions differ?....~~~~ Donald Trump will soon be taking the Presidency into uncharted waters.... soon after his indictments and eventual convictions it will have to be determined how the actions he has placed his pen to will be handled.... If it is determined that his administration came into power as the result of criminal activities (especially treasonous actions in collusion with a hostile government) it is impossible to imagine that ANY of his actions while in office won't be expunged and considered null and void..... OK Trumplodites... that is your cue tho start ranting and babbling with mindless regurgitation's fed to you by your Reich-wing puppeteers and demonstrate your ignorance on the subject.... Or, for the most ignorant of you, it marks the point where you just click your mute thumb-downs for lack of anything intelligent to respond with
Anonymous commented
Possibilities of what happened. 1. You posted. You left the article and then came back and did not see it because the settings for reading the comments are set at "most popular" and you would have to set it to "newest" to read your just recently posted post. Most Popular is for those posts that have received the most up and/or down votes. 2. Somebody else read your comment (not a Yahoo worker) and did not like your comment and flagged it.
Kimberly Foreman commented
Yahoo should be ashamed of yourself. All you do is insert banners of Anti-Trump this or that.
You are poisoning our country, and why we hate the liberal press. It's your idea, or the highway.
I'll be taking my email somewhere else soon.
You do not report the truth, just a bunch of fake news! -
Kimberly Foreman commented
Why do you continually shut down any post that doesn't report things you like. You can't vote on it, you've closed it down.Stop with your Anti-Trump rhetoric, or I am totally getting rid of Yahoo. You aren't the only show in town!
Nick commented
You are a conspiracy theorist. I think it's far more likely that they are bad at their jobs than that they're censoring opinions they don't like. This page is a mess and there are constant errors and bugs. This is just another. A lot of the time, if you close and reload the story, you can post your comment. They're not against opinions, they ARE against doing their jobs well.
Lawrence Kasprzyk commented
They do the same to me!!!!
will kozer commented
Yahoo is no longer trying to SERVE the public but is now trying to merely MANIPULATE the public by censoring what opinions can and cannot be posted even when those posts do not violate ANY of the fake rukes set forth by YAHOO themselves.... please explain what part of the following post prevents it from being seen by others in the community other than because YAHOO is trying to dictate what opinions are worthy and which are not........Companies like Papa Johns are just following the SAME business plan perfected by Walmart of playing the game of NOT PAYING their EMPLOYEES... making EVERY TAXPAYER subsidize their business' by those employees collecting WELFARE while they themselves pocket the 'Gravy Train'.... Just goes to show you how strung-along the gullible actually are and how THEY THEMSELVES are supporting the WELFARE STATE that they all whine about..... TELL PAPA JOHNS... WALMART.... and all the other mooching millionaire rackets to GET OFF WELFARE