Didn't there used to be a way to eliminate specific topics from clogging up my homepage? I am seriously offended by the presumption that I g
Let us pick topics ( such as celebrities, IE reality stars) or people (like ANY of the Kardasians) to completely eliminate from our homepages. If you don't get rid of some of that garbage I'm going to change mine!

Kimberly McAfee commented
Less of stupid tiger king articles
Richard Bard commented
Yes, limiting content based on keywords no longer exists, you see that would allow you the CHOICE, we wouldn't want people to read yahoo pages because they provided content a visitor wants to see would we?
Anonymous commented
don't like your post at all of the **** you put in this matter who gives a **** about what the **** kardasian are doing this is truly lame news wake up
Dale Darling commented
I select a "news" feed concerning a topic, or publisher, I don't care about you keep showing articles concerning those topics or publishers I've decided I want hidden. I know what I want to view much better than you.
dansditch@yahoo.com commented
I think you misunderstand, it is not the Publisher we are objecting to, it is the story subjects, we want to delete. so tired of ANY thing to do with the Kardashians and Jenners, and the list goes on, we want to certain subjects, not the publishers.
[Deleted User] commented
This is SPOT on... When 1/8th my feed is about a pseudo "Instagram celebrity" who fills my feed with complete and total nonsense... Either allow me to delete her/them/it from my page...or, after 20+ years watch me delete you from my news feeds and give Google News the ad revenue. Evolve, mature, or watch your remaining market share perish.
Jon Moffitt commented
How do I get rid of the Sports category?
Jon Moffitt commented
I still want to be able to remove the ENTIRE sports category from my feed, not just certain publishers or sources.
Anonymous commented
I don't want to eliminate the news source. I want to communicate the type of stories and reporting I like and don't like so my Homepage informs me. Less bias, accusations, conjecture, unsubstantiated claims, gossip, and shaming. More both-sides-of-the-story on a subject that is going to affect decisions I've made or am about to make.
reuben kearney commented
I really miss being able to do that. I've never cared what royal isn't wearing underwear or the fact that the Kardashians even exist. I really really miss being able to NOT see anything about them ever.
Stu Cymbol commented
I don't want to see less from Huffpo, I don't want to see anything from them or those types of "news" organizations.
Timothy Hess commented
Hey, Yahoo gathers! Gather this! You lie! You close problems before they are fixed and you can't even put out a new software update that works! Is it the users' problem or is it yours? We vote it's yours because you read the words we send but you don't understand the content! Must be an 8th grade learning issue! In all honesty....your programmers or "execs" should not determine when a problem is fixed....your users should! Isn't that what "customer service" is all about!
Jon Moffitt commented
Even after removing Yahoo Sports from my feed I'm STILL seeing stories from it. Not to mention every time I remove a sports site, Yahoo just uses one from a different town. I don't want to see ANY sports stories!!
Matthew McDonald commented
We need filters to filter out content we do not want to see. I'm sick of seeing my news feed dominated by Kardashians, etc. I want real news.
pete g commented
I would think a "Content Filter", like AdBlock gives us, would not only be beneficial to viewers, but it would also be advantageous to Yahoo to spot what trends and topics are dying. With a simple filter, a user could add words they mo longer want to see content or pictures with that word in the title. For instance, I add the word "Markle" to the filter, and bam, no more trash about the British Royals. Of course, the first word going in to the filter for me would actually be the name of that publicity-drunk "K" family whose name I even refuse to write out, so you could even include their name as the default first-filtered item.
Jon Moffitt commented
Allow to filter content by category, not just source. I don't want to see any sports content but I'm still seeing it from the Associated Press but I want to keep them as a news source.
april s commented
We used to be able to choose the content we wanted to see. Not anymore. It's been a long time since we had the ability to turn off subjects we didn't want to see. Please allow us to customize our newsfeed to what we want to see, not what you choose for us. Let us decide if we want to see sports or celebrities. Let us decide if we want videos in the feed or click on the article to see the video. Let us decide if we want video ads, or static ones. Some of us don't have the bandwidth to run fifteen video ads on one page!
Joe Menchaca commented
Your criticism is exactly why I'm on this feedback page. I too would like to have the capability to filter out stories about the Kardashians, Jenners, and any other talent-less, idiotic "reality" TV person. I did change my homepage because of I am sick of seeing articles about them. I don't care what they're wearing or who they're screwing. These vacuous and vapid so-called personalities have nothing to say that I want to hear, nor do they have anything of value to add to the national conversation.
Anonymous commented
Why are there GUN articles on my home page - appearing for the first time today!!!? I am vehemently anti-gun and can't find a way to block them from my page. I'll give it until the weekend before I never return to this page (after 25 years of it being my home page)
[Deleted User] commented
I don't like reading headlines and articles for other Countries. When I go to Yahoo to read the News, I ONLY want to read articles about the United States, not Britain, Australia, or other English speaking locations. I also want to be able to exclude Hollywood Celebrities, Sports, and other things I am not interested in! The OLD Yahoo used to let readers choose such things but the past few years have gotten worse.