Stop showing ads from 400+ miles away
How about not showing ads when the place is across the state from my location. I am in the Dallas Fort Worth area yet constantly see ads for Laredo, San Juan, or San Antonio. These cities are nowhere close to the DFW metroplex. If I were paying for ads to be displayed I would be very upset that you are showing my ad to someone 400 or more miles away.
Jason Cherry commented
Use an ad blocker, I use adblock plus and don't have to see any of yahoo's garbage ads.
pete g commented
It isn't Yahoo's fault, it is where your ISP is dumping their traffic into the web. I am guessing you are using a corporate network? Corporations often have internet gateways that funnel traffic out to the public web in certain locations on your corporate Wide Area Network. Somebody is backhauling your traffic to Laredo or San Antonio, that is why the ads are regarding those cities