You've done it again. You have merged my comment with one you INCORRECTLY closed because the "show less" option STILL DOES NOT WORK!!!
This is truly ridiculous. I am trying to communicate to you that a feature of your website does not work as intended and the only response you have is to merge my comments with an already closed thread. Don't close my comments. Don't merge this with an old, already closed thread. FIX THE SHOW LESS OPTION!!!
Our Engineering team is looking into this. If you could let us know what about the “show less” option isn’t working we would appreciate it. Please provide specific publishers if possible.
Homepage Support
Bob M commented
Please save my "SHOW LESS OF >>>> SELECTIONS. I'm getting tired of selecting show less of this only to have my selections disappear. Me thinks yahoo should be hacked and eliminated and turned into the pile of **** they really are.
Scott G commented
why are two of three articles on my home page from publishers I have already said I don't want to see again? This is complete ********. Clicking "show less" is meaningless. Maybe I should make my home page instead?
Steven Heller commented
I just commented on this again. Still receiving loads of stories from sources I requested to see less from. PLEASE fix this problem!
Sean McMackins commented
What's the point of the "show less" feature if it makes no difference what appears on my news feed?
Tim Piech commented
Tim Piech commented
Publishers I do not wish to see, AND HIDE, keep coming up when I refresh page
Mike Dewenter commented
Fix the "Show Less" option.
Steven Heller commented
The same for me. Every day I have to click "undo show less" the click again to "show less" to get rid of the news feeds I don't want to see. I can go to the finance page, come back to the Home page and the very stories I removed have magically reappeared. It gets old real quick.
Garry Herman commented
******** YAHOO--make show less work--are you people that ******* pathetic??? Stop trying to program what I have to see. Every site such as huffpiss or yahoo uk that I have marked for show less are always at the top of the feed?? You people are ******* ********!!!
nonya Noneya commented
No more Fox propaganda in my feed, thank you.
Brad M commented
Why do I see news sources I selected NOT TO SEE??????? You r news feed is a JOKE!!!! You must have the worst programmers in the industry not to be able to gt that right. I used to check your news every day. NEVER AGAIN, I will use google news like everyone else.
Sharon Smolinski commented
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHAT IS IT THAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ABOUT "SHOW LESS? This is a typical answer from Yahoo. Hello, is anyone listening?
Satya Ramisetty commented
I have chosen to show less articles from Quartz which means NONE. This is one fake news portal. The content started showing up after 2 days. Looks like Yahoo is pushing the content. If this is what yahoo wants, you better remove the feature
Tammy Moran commented
I am not sure why you would offer this option, when it obviously doesn't work. Please fix it or like others I see who have complained, I will be not reading anything Yahoo posts. It is called My Yahoo for a reason and I have enjoyed it since its inception. If you are going to offer left leaning stories, then at least let your subcscribers the choice of not seeing them and offer us the exceptional content that was Yahoo's finest quality. You do realize there are far more citizens who do not subscribe to the left leaning and fake news stories than those who do. Regardless you should stand by your option of showing less to actually mean it.
Alan Calero commented
Add "Hide all stories form [news source]" to option drop downs.
Garry Herman commented
Stop grouping this with closed threads. Make this work, I have chosen many of the **** organizations so I do not have to see their liberal drizzle yet they are at the top of the news feed the next time I open yahoo??? Is your research dept incompetent?? Why is this so difficult?? If I make off "huffpiss" I should not see things from huffpiss. I have marked off numerous yet they still try spreading their liberalcrap and inflammatory junk articles. MAKE IT WORK!!!!
Leo Conway commented
just remove the ads or sources that we request permanently or stop pretending that you are doing it.
Greg Price commented
when we mark "Show Less" from news sources, we mean "SHOW NONE"
Raymond Schreffler commented
The site your parent company Verizon owns the leftist propaganda site the Huffington Post is constantly showing even after you chooses show less stories from the Huffington Post. You all keep showing that leftist propaganda site even when people tell you they don't want to see it because it brings more ad revenue in for Verizon so it is a clear conflict of interest and that is why you butt wipes keep showing it when people tell you to stop. Don't put the option in if you are just going to ignore it. Stop being a$$h0l3s you ignorant b@st@rds.
Raymond Schreffler commented
You give people the option of not seeing anymore articles from certain news feeds but you don't abide by there wishes. I understand that Verizon owns both Yahoo and the Huffington Post but when people say they don't want to see any articles from the leftist piece of **** Huffington Post then stop showing the articles from the ******* thing. Stop pushing your leftist agenda on people as we don't want to see the lies and ******** that they push, they constantly push opinion pieces as real news stories but you ******** @ Verizon/Yahoo don't give a flying **** because you get ad revenue from them. It is a conflict of interest that you push that leftist propaganda even when people tell you to stop because you all profiting from that socialist web site. Just ******* stop the ********. Looking thru your "feedback" I see a lot of people with the same complaint I have but you ******** just don't seem to give a **** as long as you make a few pennies in advertising. Verizon you can take Yahoo and Huffington Post and shove them up your ******* ***!