Build a site where you can actually open the stories. Yahoo's site has done nothing but go down hill
When you get down the page the articles stop opening.

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Get back to what you were doing by fixing an issue that’s interrupting your Yahoo experience. Use these steps, starting with #1, then check if your problem is resolved before moving to the next step:
Thank you!
Anthony Arnone commented
What happened to Spell Check in Mail?
Burt Blurb commented
The message links stopped working. Cannot follow message replies
catherine gullison commented
tiktok video's usually don't play as they are supposed to but suggest a similar video. The play button does not work. When I click to go to tiktok, the video is no where to be found. Normally, I will just forget it to avoid going to tiktok and being forced to log on. I only did it a few times out of curiosity. Now, I'm going to avoid clicking on these clickbait altogether. Making Yahoo News more useless. I've been going to other sites instead of yahoo and will eventually change my mail location and say bye too yahoo altogether.
Dave Larkin commented
When you read a story and close it, why does it take you back to the top of the page? Who is your webmaster?
Mary Beth Peacock commented
When I dign in and am taken back to the home page, the mailbox is so far to the right on the page that I cannot access it. I then have to go to settings and then after that a new page comes up with a different mail box. This takes me to my mail. This takes so long to log into my mail. Very frustrating.
Marcus Scott Reed commented
Half of the links to stories I click on just take me back to the homepage, fix your **** yahoo. Google does it better.
Thomas W. Muther, Jr. commented
As an example, I put "All State" as the search word and the results excluded hardly anything, while NOT including some emails I actually received from All State. So, for ages now, I usually don't even bother to do a search and just tediously scroll to find what I'm looking for. Strangely, the search function in drafts works much better. On an unrelated topic, why am I asked to sign in here when I'm already signed in??
Daniel Scott Hoenecke commented
Put a check box to mass delete contacts.
Joan Foster commented
The video sites keep freezing with a circle movement.
William Anfin commented
The comments section for all the articles is WAY too slow to load and once loaded they take up too much of a computer's resources and slow other apps down. I'm coming to Yahoo way less these days because of this one problem. Your geeks need to make this a high priority.
E C M commented
I'm trying to actually get some answers in using Help an Comments but it feels impossible. If I press on the icon to open up comments, there are none. All I'm trying to find out is why the ability to post or even a comment on a story or respond to another post is not there. The icons for posting comments are gone on my pages and, yes, I'm signed in. It was fine one minute and gone in the next (after a storm). I have not been told I was banned and I'm pretty low key in what I post. I've spent too much time without any success. In addition, one key to try to find the info would not work when clicked. No error message was given. It is a royal pain.
I enjoy reading comments and responding to some comments but this has been going on for over a month. What did I do? Again, I'm signed in. In fact, there is link for me to sign out below this area to ask a questioned. There is also a note saying so.
Paul Hedgespeth commented
I clicked on a news feed, read it, when I went to click on the comments,(7.9k) of them I could not see one of them or even post a comment, What did I do to **** you off to be blocking them?
Don Tank commented
Also using Firefox and viewing and/or responding to comments hasn't worked since early June, 2024. What is the fix?
e g commented
Cleared cache and cookies but still can't get the comments section to work. Can't vote a comment up, can't comment or reply. Switched to Chrome browser and it works fine with it. This just started happening today, nothing changed on my end.
joan laux commented
Why can I no longer see comments in the news section?
Steve Aldrich commented
I appreciate trying to put Yahoo! Finance-generated content on its own pages with no competing ads or pop-ups, but these pages load very slowly compared to every other page on the Internet. Also, as a copy/type person, full page-width copy is difficult to read for most people.
Peter Hadley commented
Something on the Yahoo main page has changed because Recently the Mail/Envelope icon/button DOESN'T work and DOESN'T do anything. When hovering over and clicking on this main page "Envelope" the arrow does change to a hand AND a Blue Box does outline the "Envelope" BUT clicking on it DOESN'T work. This happened within the last couple weeks or so. When clicking on the "Envelope" it DOESN'T take you to the mail sign in page. IF I click on the "Sign In" it DOES take you to the sign in page BUT once it takes you back to the main page the "Envelope" shows the # of new messages. BUT when clicking on it it STILL DOESN'T work. To get into the mail box I have to go to a different Yahoo page and click on that "Envelope" or something else to get to view the mail box & messages.
BUT IF I use the Canada Yahoo website ALL WORKS AS IT SHOULD. OR IF I go into the page I can click on the "Envelope" and ALL WORKS AS IT SHOULD.
This BUG/ERROR/GLITCH needs to be fixed ASAP. Thank You.
April 18, 2024 4:22pm EST. This BUG/ERROR/GLITCH has also been reported directly to Yahoo Tech Support Phone line, they told me it was being forwarded to the Tech team for investigation & repair. Was also told to leave this feedback.
D Tomanek commented
Bug or Error.
Maybe you can speak Swahilli to the java console.
Then you can pack up the whole Yahoo and say closed. -
D Tomanek commented
this pops up more, once per week.
FED UP Yahoo. -
Michael Deganich commented
Fix the problem , please