Quit making everything for your narrative!!!! We have a right to be heard. Quit turning off comments

y E y commented
I can see that people are making comments about my post but am unable to see them. When I click on the notification of a reply to my post nothing happens. Or I get a message that the comment I am looking for is no longer available. Let me be the one to decide that I am offended.
Diane commented
A Yahoo user who said he was a military veteran with a purple heart criticized how Israel treats Palestinians, so the Yahoo moderator doxed him. Turns out the military veteran was a man in his 70s living in a dangerous city in California. I reported this to Yahoo customer care, so the Yahoo moderator permanently removed my ability to make any comments on articles and removed from my account all of the comments I had ever made, for over two decades with Yahoo, a total of 2.7 thousand comments which had received 6.9 thousand likes. AOL has an identical format with articles and comments section, except AOL allows conservatives to comment. You don't even need an AOL email account, and every conservative comment I've posted that Yahoo has removed, AOL has no problem with, and allows me to debate politics with other users. Don't stay with Yahoo while they enrich themselves by silencing you.
wm morris commented
All fascist anti Americans should be put down like trump and the evil Republican Party of Putin
Charles Farley commented
Not only do you remove comments, right along with censorship of opinions that go against your agenda, but quite obviously you are sore enough afraid of the truth, that you shut me down completely, apparently freedom if speech does not exist in Wah'poo land.
Rustic Haven commented
Keep comments on for ALL pieces. When comments are turned off for certain ones it’s obviously because it’s an easily disputable topic.
Aurora Eilander commented
The bottom lines says : “read comments here”
And when clicked, it says “comments suspended “
What gives?
Either the option is offered or it’s not. Pick one. And move on. -
earth dude commented
It's not just "conservatives, I have voted Democrat for over 40 years, but I'm ready to switch to independent and either not vote or not sure. I already wrote my reps and told them to stifle E. Warren and B. Sanders before I will vote again.
Tom Grogan commented
Right to be heard? Contrary to what you may think, there is no right to heard in law. I can only conclude that you hold views and comments that are antithetical to learning and knowledge given your incredibly ignorant first comment.
stephen wood commented
i just had the words "simple joys in life" removed...... this is getting crazy!
c b commented
Turn the comments back on and suspend those that start name calling and those that make physical threats towards others.
a r commented
By turning off comment Yahoo has shown how traitorous they have become. Pretty much a communist organization. Time to find a more American Homepage and let the Yahoo traitors collapse.
Timothy Hess commented
How long is Yahooies allowed to "gather feedback" before they get off their dead ***** and do something! Maximum - 6 months should be the norm! They have yet to beat 2 years!
c b commented
A must see. Matt Walsh's "what is a woman" documentary
c b commented
Yes just like some dont believe in god some dont believe in the LGBTQ+ beliefs either. we should be able to say our opinions on it just like the non god believers are allowed to do.
Terry Muzio commented
Also a victim of yahoo bias. Not allowed to comment since before the election.
Timothy Hess commented
You've beem gathering feedback since May 27, 2021! What the **** are you doing?
Stephen Hollie Johnson commented
I wholeheartedly agree! Also, should someone reply to one of your comments on Yahoo "news", they make it where you can't reply. I also don't know what Yahoo means by "safe". Safe meaning, someone told the truth and you got your feelings hurt because the comments wasn't politically correct enough for you. This is the very reason why, over the years, Yahoo has "suspended" people from Yahoo answers.
[Deleted User] commented
I second that you people(yahoo!) stop making everything geared to your narrative. If there was a way that I could shut down my account, I would do so....NOW.
Lynn Gilbert commented
I am so tired of not being able to comment, are you guys afraid of hearing our voices?
Todd Erie commented
Oh what's the matter Yahoo... Can't you handle people telling the truth unlike the BS your feeding the people.. You wanna keep people from voicing their opinions. Maybe the people should stop using Yahoo and go where their voices can be heard.