Your ads are annoying, I suggest stopping all ads period.

T Boys commented
T Boys commented
this IS very important
T Boys commented
Please do not put advertising in the middle of my emails - on the side is fine but PLEASE not in the middle it causes confusion
Charles Kelley commented
There is a company that completely blocks an article with their ads and it is all but impossible to eliminate it. You need to get rid it.
Gordon Smooth commented
Your editors need to have more positive stories about black people.
Every time I look at your HOME page I think to myself are these editors racist . I only see negative stories about black people.
Steve Abramowitz commented
Suggestion: actually listen to your customers and not your advertisers
J T commented
I'm tired of checking out a AD on YAHOO, only to have it set off all the alarms on my anti-virus & anti malware protection.
Jeff Hastings commented
I do not ever want to see Kamala Harris on my home page! Or any other Democrat for that matter. Thinking of closing this email acct.
R commented
Your ads are way too short. 30 second, 60 seconds, to see a 10 to 15 second video. Not enough time to enjoy the ad moment! How about 2-3 hours ad and then the 10 second video you wanted to see plays? That will really improve the web site. You guys are really on the right track to gaining more clicks. Brilliant moves, congrats on your insight.
D Hobbs commented
Please make sure the ads you allow to be shown are not inappropriate. I teach children and it is very frustrating when I'm trying to pull something up in front of my kids half-naked women start bouncing their ***** up and down on the side of my screen. If you can't do something about it, I would be more than happy to get my news and classroom topics from MSN.
S Pn commented
How can I stop Yahoo from putting ads of women in lingerie on yahoo pages when I use my email or browse the news? I know you need to post ads, but surely you can prevent sexualized lingerie pictures for the people who don't want it.
Hero Zero commented
The vast majority of them name or hint at celebrities who aren't even in the thumbnail, and no, I will not pay to get rid of ads as they shouldn't be misleadingly slipped between real stories in the first place.
You want to penalize users for "misinformation" in their comments when your platform allows ads that define that term to run rampant.
Get rid of them. -
Kathryn Church commented
It seems that the only way to get rid of the ***** ADS in the email is to sign up for Yahoo+. If you want to make your customers mad, you scored a 10!!! I am doing my best to find another provider and not have to see this every day. You delete one ***** AD and another immediately shows up. *****, *****, *****. Did I mention that I HATE THIS!!!!!!! Does Yahoo get a kickback from the ***** ADS?
Nola Palomar commented
OMG Please stop this madness. The top of the page is filled up with ads so much that I have to scroll down just to see any content. Who ever the design team is that figured this one out, MISSED THE MARK. I have already switched to Bing. I end up on Yahoo when I log into my paid Yahoo+ email. You need a better way of managing the home page. It truly sucks.
An Pham commented
ads no good
Greg Rodriguez commented
And don't think that will help yahoo image. In my case looking at car tires ever time i look at my computer
Steve Riggs commented
Your ADs are completely worthless , you have to click on them a dozen times or more to get where you want. You need to go direct to what the ad is talking about.
J T commented
yahoo is screwing advertisers by telling them they are getting a zillion clicks on their ads on the Yahoo home page when they are really posting the same ad 25 times a day so if you want to scroll through the headline stories you have to click past the same ad you marked as "I don't like this ad" the previous 25 times you saw it today.
J T commented
do we need 25 ads on the home page today for the same reading glasses ???
patrick jefferys commented
Do you know almost every page I view on or from has NSFW images of women (mostly) wearing next to nothing. If you want your webpage to be viewed for news (as I use it during the day) it can't have ads that are inappropriate for the work place. META and X may get by as most often times those images are viewed on handheld personal devices and on social media. There has to be a way where inappropriate for work ads and images cannot appear on desktop views. Make that happen please.