Naked video
Now it is OK to show a video of a naked woman on my home page? Or the home page of my teenage son? What the **** is wrong with you people??
Linnster commented
I'm sick to death of seeing this kind of **** on here. I'm equally tired of every other article being about some woman's firm abs, toned legs, tight behind, etc.
Linnster commented
Bad enough Britney Spears needs so much attention that she gets filmed in the nude. This is not a **** site!
Zachary Carter commented
I often have your page up at work and consistently see ads for underwear, lingerie, etc... and articles advertised with photos that are NSFW or pretty close to that line. Please be more considerate in your advertising. I always report those ads but then they keep showing up.
Maria C commented
Sick and tired of posts that feature celebrities in their bikinis, umm plastic surgery can fix any looks but not their souls. How about celebrities making a difference in the world regardless of their looks.
Collin Moore commented
Oy Vey, if only there were a group of people behind this societal decay we could single out by observing who controls most of the media & wealth!
Rebecca Gray commented
Please stop running the gross Sportinal ad where the women's uniforms show their ***** hair. It demeans women athletes. More creepy sexism from Yahoo.
Doug Albert D commented
If this lady doesn't want photos of naked women posted on her home page, I will step in and assist her. From now on, Yahoo should post those photos in my Yahoo email box where they will not be readily available to offend anyone. Me? Oh, I am gambling that my moral fiber is strong enough to withstand whatever you are posting. It is just a chance I have to take to help my fellow humans out!
Kent Mosley commented
DO NOT put pictures of NAKED WOMEN on your front page - there are kids on this site
Ron Lawrence commented
Yahoo is just copy and paste from other sites.
Doc Adviser commented
Fast becoming a soft **** website.
Someone in Yahoo seems to have an affiliation towards 'yummy' 'mommies'. Yeah Baby. My like!! -
Doc Adviser commented
Yes, all about cheap celebrity baby bumps and ****** feeding photos and video clips.
NOT interested in utter trash. Bring back intelligent YAHOO COMMENTS. -
Doc Adviser commented
That seems to be the trend nowadays. SEX. It sells! Viewership! Click generates PROFITS!!!
Rubbish content, no intelligent content like COMMENTS. 'Data Analysis shows'.
Money, Money, Money....... Intelligence is a dying trait in this 'young' generation, all stupid things ..... -
Doc Adviser commented
Naked Women, YES!!! But NOT ALL Naked Women. 80 yr old naked woman ? Naaa...
There's *** sites you know.... -
Doc Adviser commented
TOO many pics and articles on illiterate school dropout celebrities on their "baby bump".
Worse is '****** feeding'. Has Yahoo fallen to such low levels to depict cheap people ?
Let them keep their sordid life among themselves. We're NOT interested. More intelligent topics.
Please, we're not interested in such useless cheap news. There's much more in this world.
Bring back YAHOO COMMENTS!!!! -
j s commented
Lady, if you have internet, your teenage son has already seen naked women.
Joseph Wengler commented
STOP using media outlets you don't agree with, or don't like. Go somewhere else.
Mark Bowman commented
I don't know about everyone else but I love naked women!
Moyeen Chowdhury commented
"14-year-old influencer's bikini pics spark debate",???? Please stop the pornification of bikini story
Anonymous commented
Why does Yahoo not have any real news stories? It seems all they have are half-naked women and not real news. Give people real up-to-date news as well as positive and inspiring stories during this pandemic time.
j hunt commented
really that's the only reason to come here these days