More Conservative ideas and less Liberal reporting
At present you seem to only present viewpoints/stories from Liberal/leftist papers/magazines. You cannot be HONEST if your ONE SIDED
Clayton Boyd commented
Just because you don't believe the truth, doesn't make it less true. With the exception of Fox entertainment, most of MSM reports the truth.
j s commented
Yahoo has an agenda, and those who think differently are silenced. They are as bad as FB, and twitter.
Dan fotyuno commented
"MoRe CoNsErvAtive ideAs aNd lesS LibErAl rePortiNg"
suzie wubbena commented
To much bias, just post really unbiased news
Joe Kiras commented
So sick of all this shove what you believe down my throat. Last I checked this was a free country and I am able to decide what I believe on my own without your guidance. If you lean liberal great for you but don't push your agenda's on me. All these social sites are pathetic anymore and people are really getting sick of it. All I'm saying is to be more centered and not so one-sided and you might find that people are happier with your service.
K H commented
Who represents conservatism in America at this time and what are their policy positions? If you can tell me that, I might agree with your point. I'll wait. p.s - you're