You're such liars!!
Trump wasn't trying to defeat the infrastructure bill because he didn't want to fix America. Your article titled "For GOP, Infrastructure Bill Is a Chance to Inch Away from Trump" is another hit piece to sway people away from Trump. It won't work. We are on to you. Trump was against that bil because the treasonous Dems hid so much anti American legislation in that bull like they always do. Mitt Romney might as well be a democrat. He used the republican party to get in office then turn on those who voted him in office. The Dems are the ones who try to hide things in bills that are supposedly aimed at financing America. They always give crumbs to America and send huge amounts of money to foreign countries who turn around and give much of the cash back to the Dems. It is a scam. They are fleecing the American tax payers and running our country into the ground. Trump tried to put a stop to their scheme and that's why they hate him so much. Trump will be back in the white house soon. Then heads will roll!!!