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In regards to the inflation article by Javier David in Morning Brief: please do not allow this person to write any more articles on inflation. He is destroying Yahoo Finance's reputation, misinforming the public, and demonstrating incompetence and lack of knowledge on the topic. The title of the article itself is nonsensical and misleading, stating "Empty shelves and the inflation they cause."
Firstly, inflation is an expansion of the currency supply, and higher prices/shortages are a potential consequence. The Fed prints currency by the trillions and helicopter drops it on the masses whom the government forces to stay home and not produce anything. This surplus of dollars chasing a limited supply of goods results in shortages and higher prices. It really is that simple, yet this article foolishly states shortages cause inflation.
I presume Yahoo is attempting to establish itself as the premier Finance website/service, so now more than ever I recommend it focus on improving the quality of it's content and contributing authors. Thank you, Joel