All my posts gets deleted within 10 seconds
request why is every post or response REJECTED ? 99% is not abusive, insults, bullying or attacks, just truth and facts. So Why hasn't yahoo addressed my issues so far ?
Hello. While we cannot speak about specific comments, policy interpretations, or actions action in relation to specific comments outside of with their original poster, we seek to apply the Yahoo Community Guidelines as evenly, fairly, and objectively as possible.
Tryg last name commented
This happens to me all the time. Even if I type the word great or hi.
Yahoo has never said I have had an objectionable comment, just rejected -
Old Dude commented
You need to purge your blocked list if you can't address the FEATURE (bug) of people not being able to post anything at all, can't even post the word "test" or the letter "a"
R Mot commented
why do you post a story and ask for comment when you will not post a reply YOU feel is wrong. *
J C commented
You keep banning my comments, no matter what I write. I would never pay for a service from Yahoo.
Amra commented
"We're gonna need a bigger website..."
It's been about a year since you started rejecting every single post I make. I conform to community guidelines all the time. Tell me just where the above violated guidelines? There is no logic or reason to your ban.
Bigly sad that THIS is how you treat someone that's been here for 24 years. And your "evenly, fairly, and objectively as possible" is just straight bullarky. Hogwash. And rather despicable...
Old Dude commented
I'd like to know why I can't post ANYTHING not even the single letter "a".
Anthony Ferrara commented
What a crock of selective nonsense, power gone mad in the darkness hiding from anyone who dare question the great OZ See ya Yahoo I'm leaving this platform
Old Dude commented
You failed to address the problem/question with your response. I've had the word "test" rejected and yet I do not see how this would violate any policy, do you?
Otto Hemi commented
While I understand rejecting posts for obscenities or violating community guidelines, I don't understand the category of "Your comment failed to publish" along with a "retry" button that never works. What exactly triggers this?
Old Dude commented
Another day where I'm BLOCKED from posting comments and with no explanation as to WHY!
Geri b C commented
A comment I made in reply to a poster was rejected.
The comment stated facts and used sources from the government and media sites.
The comment was about the Gwangju massacre in S.Korea
I gave sources from a S.Korean newspaper and from another site in the same country. All I gave was the name of the article and NOT the links.
WHY was it rejected? Does it go against Yahoo narrative in telling the truth? -
Tim Hess commented
You idiots instituted a policy, policed by not U.S. citizens, to curtail free speech! May this and I believe it has come back to burn you in your *****! People there, AI is going to replace you. If you ever live next to me after you lose your job, i'm going to do what is called a reem job on you!
Tim Hess commented
If Yahoo can spout non-substantiated bs, why do their "want to be illegals" get to impose restraints on me?
Tony N commented
Dear Yahoo news
Please restore my Yahoo news posts and allow me to post?. why am I being censored for speaking against a man who spouting fascism ?
phuck yahoo commented
Yahoo is nothing but a gaslighting cesspool of trash, the articles are trash, they block the word "illegals" from all LEFT articles, yahoo will be sued for freedom of speech, yet they use words in the title of their bathroom wall gaslighting articles that we can't use in comments, you will not find a greater hive of scum and villainy, we must be cautious
heck ramsey commented
Although the rejection process (and rejected appeal) took more than 10 seconds, this is an example of Yahoo's intolerance of scientific research that they arbitrarily choose to ignore. For goodness sakes, it's an excerpt from an NPR article! I didn't even say 'smell', but scent, and there's no negative connotations involved, only biological proof. but let's not let the truth get in the way of yahoo running roughshod over scientific information or commentors that they (yahoo) ask to comment!
The Yahoo article:
Black passengers sue American Airlines, alleging racial discrimination 5/30/24My comment:
Why can't ethnicity produce different scents? According to this 2014 NPR article, it does.
"Digging For Gold: Study Says Your Race Determines Your Earwax Scent".
The head researcher, George Preti, has been looking into animal and human body odors for more than 40 years.
"The difference between [the earwax] is caused by a single gene in the genome. And a change in that single gene gives you different earwax and different underarm odor," Preti explains. (Monell Chemical Senses Center*)
(*The Monell Chemical Senses Center is a non-profit independent scientific institute located at the University City Science Center campus in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)Yahoo, if you truly want to reject science and bully your readers, do everyone a favor and please just close the comment section.
Claudio Silva commented
I have follow your "guidelines" when posting comments and yet Yahoo failed to post because of your guidelines which clearly have NOT been violated. All this is showing is how sided your organization is towards the democratic party. Is either that or a selective 1st amendment opportunities in which you screen was is favorable for your readers. Makes me sick!
Rick W commented
These strange characters at the bottom of the comment box also discourages people from making comments because it just allows the commenter to type their comments in just one long line and does not go down to the next line too! I also have to use my space bar to finally get to the end of the box before the "submit button" appears and this box just keeps on appearing to expand even more too to make it a longer wait before I finally get to the submit button too! I assume that the whole reason for this is to harass democrat ideology and discourage democrat comments!
Rick W commented
My free democrat ideology has been monitored and comments rejected by Yahoo for practically nothing when communist ideology republican death threats against people and this country have been allowed to remain! Now, apparently, Yahoo has started up harassment policies for democrats with characters at the bottom of the comment box that requires commenters to go thru extra steps to make comments. It also gives the commenter the impression that the Yahoo website is virus infected to discourage democrat comments too! America does have FREE SPEECH ya know! Just how can you even reject a comment when those same words are in the news article too?! Pretty hipocritical huh?
Bart Johnson commented
Agree with the statement above. My comment was rejected in seconds, so was my appeal. Don't think there was any chance for human interaction. My guess is your comment rejection is automatic and attempting to use AI to monitor. Think you need to check your AI process because it's probably only picking up on Key words but not the larger message. My comments were not that much different than the other accepted comments. If you are going to blindly reject comments then you will lose any integrity in your process.