try not to be so obviously biased to the left
try reporting new fairly. move to the middle, not FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR LEFT.
Pete T commented
great idea
Pete T commented
allow the user to select the news source
Terrry Mehr commented
My Yahoo page now has a bunch of **** that I have NO INTEREST in seeing. It is very cluttered and I would like to have the old page view back. If it does not come back or if I can't customize it or sizing of columns and choosing the content I would like (don't need a two column ad space), I'm leaving YAHOO permanently.
Antony Layng commented
I detest Ideological journalism. I like simple FACT not IDEOLOGY which is POLITICAL British Fodder . Euro news conduits tell it as it is ... that IS for the likes of me! ... & the BRITUNCULI (LITTLE BRITS) "read legionaries description of the ancient Britain" - time of Hadrian! lol... WHAT WOULD THOSE MEN THINK OF BO-SELECTA ?? ETC 70+ YEARS I've seen no enemy boots in uniform on this Island - BUT THERE HERE & BY INVITATION OF OUR GREAT AND STUPID ! ENJOY YOUR HAPPY AND LONG LIVES BOYS & GIRLS !!
Jeff Smith commented
Almost everything posted is lies, is nothing but a lying tabloid.
Ben Hooper commented
How do I get The Hill off the homepage? If Yahoo is going to post news, it should be unbiased. Support democracy; not fascism.
Reed Hertz commented
A free press is not controlled by parties who disagree or its corporate owners' censorious protocols.
Reed Hertz commented
Platform biased Against Facts.Stop being biased against FACTS. your guidelines obviously favor trump, making you his sycophant
Vessa Allan commented
I have been an account user for over 20 yrs. No more !!! You took away my beautiful custom themes and tabs I use. I will not be forced into this useless **** page. Currently migrating all my info to Google and Gmail accounts. It is a pain yes but the backlash coming your way is only the beginning. Your stocks are about to fall !!!
brian burke commented
Facts tend to be more important to the left.
Derek Sheaks commented
yahoo is way to bias to the left
Brandi Boyd commented
You guys are allowing racist stuff. I screenshot every rejection and it’s definitely discrimination.
John Starykowicz commented
You little ******* are such a democrat mouth piece it isn't even funny. You couldn't be balanced and just report news, you have to suck up to the Democrats at all cost, you people a pathetic liberal *******.
rochelle sparrow commented
No news on Gaza. The world is posting about Gaza. Do you support Genocide???? and why???????????
Darren Stephan commented
Yahoo is a horrible liberal left wing propaganda spewing lie machine. How about writing the truth!
Ray Williams commented
Yahoo is anti democracy and the reason why we will all go to the polls in a week and vote against the current in office party.
K Detmar commented
Wow, Yahoot. You aren't even attempting to hide your anti-trump, anti-republican sentiments. If I see another proKamala ad or story, I think I might throw up.
John Starykowicz commented
I'm about fed up with all the one sided bias democrat propaganda that you constantly shove down are throats. It's all ********, the democrat party is nothing but rich elitists pieces of **** and you people at yahoo are the same.
John Skaritka commented
Does anyone really believe that "Yahoo is listening?" ??????????
John Skaritka commented
How about Yahoo cleaning all the ******** left wing **** from its "News" Site.