I've been banned for over a year, no warning, no reason, haven't violated community guidelines.
My latest try (this morning) was "Jesus. Just how many times are you going to post that?" Where does that violate guidelines? Then there's no "Your comment has been rejected" box, no matter how long I stay on that web page. I get an email.
I've had my email address for 25 years. Hecuva way to treat someone who's loyal, by just banning them. If I hadn't had this address so long, I would leave. Thanks for not giving a gorram... (/SARCASM)

Amra commented
"Trump didn't win in a "landslide", he didn't even break 50% of the votes..."
Violates guidelines right and left, don't it?
Amra commented
"Call yourself "ncc1701d", and yet are against everything Star Fleet stands for. How despicable..."
And all I get is a "Your post has been rejected" email. Haven't even given me the chance to appeal in over 6 months, and then it was rejected immediately.
So, someone just decided to permanently ban me for no reason. Majic 8 ball too technical for you?
Amra commented
"Bigly sad that's the best you can do..."
That just violates guidelines every which way but loose, don't it? No "Your comment has been rejected", no appeal, just an email eventually.
And yet, it seems it's OK to post hateful stuff and make bizarre accusations, dripping with vitriol. Must be what you want...
Amra commented
"Why are you using a picture of Trump for this?"
Yeah, sooo offensive. Worth a lifetime ban.
Pretty obvious you weren't burdened with an overabundance of learning...
Amra commented
"He's not even in office yet, but he wants things the way he says. Heck, he hadn't been elected even when he told them to shut down the border bill..."
I'm sorry, no hate or fake news in that post, must be why it was rejected. Since you haven't bothered to tell me WHY, I am left with conjecture.
OR, you could look back through ALL the posts you've rejected from me, see that NONE of them violate your guidelines, and reinstate me. Of course you won't, that would make sense. Can't have that...
Amra commented
"I wouldn't call it "control"..."
Yeah, that sure deserves to be banned, doesn't it? Just like all the other posts I've attempted to make over the past year. Absolutely no reason for it.
But then, "reason" doesn't factor in, does it?
Amra commented
"You whine about being insulted, then issue one yourself. Bigly sad..."
What's wrong with that post? Can't say, can you? And yet, the post I responded to was quite insulting. Would I get un-banned if I started being hateful and insulting?
Amra commented
"Like Trump?" My post today, rejected immediately for nothing.
It's pretty odd how you'll allow false, hateful comments all the time, yet I've been banned for over a year for nothing. Maybe you WANT false, hateful posts...
Amra commented
"How would you know?"
I'll just post a response that was rejected every day, just to show you how asinine you're being...
Amra commented
"Johnny 5 is a lot cooler than you are..."
How does that violate guidelines?
You people are maroons...
Amra commented
And this morning..."As I will yours, bub..." How does that violate guidelines?
No, you just decided arbitrarily to totally ban me for nothing. Kinda shows the intelligence behind it. None. Bigly sad...