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642 results found

  1. "WE MAKE THE CALL": Let's 'enact' a "Human Rights for Free Speech Act!"

    Do you realize that 'everyone' has the 'POWER' of "innovation" to 'MAKE CHANGE!?' All you have to do is "channel" your 'inner innovation' & you may surprise yourself! 'We the people' have come to realize that "change" will 'NOT' come unless "WE THE PEOPLE MAKE THE CALL!" The hot shot elite class "rich man" is 'NOT' going to suggest 'ANYTHING' if you haven't realized it by now! This is where "WE THE PEOPLE" come in! This is a 'CALL TO ACTION': Let's 'STAND & DELIVER' & 'FIGHT FOR JUSTICE' to SIGN into LAW to make it a 'HUMAN RIGHT' that…

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  2. 'Open, free & fair': The 'URGENT' need for a "Quintessential Free Speech Act!"

    Back in the days of 1791 our forefathers established the 'Bill of Rights' in order to form a more perfect union, truth & justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote general welfare, secure freedom & liberty to ourselves & our posterity was hereby proclaimed & declared to ordain by decree our Constitution! How would our forefathers know that years later a bunch of "complaining" 'private sector entities' would try to "over privilege" themselves to think they have the "right" to 'rig & manipulate' our 'Bill of Rights!?' 'We the people' HIGHLY believe our 'FREE SPEECH' was intended…

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  3. 'URGENT': Time to SIGN into LAW a new bill, "Laissez Faire Free Speech Act!"

    'We the people' HIGHLY believe now is the utmost 'URGENT' time for Congress & lawmakers to 'step up to the plate' with bipartisan legislation to 'CRACKDOWN' on these 'disorderly conduct' platforms who are trying to put "profit over people" by the 'suspicious', intentional, biased, malicious, unprecedented 'ATTACK' of our 'FREE SPEECH!' If anyone cares about our rightful 'free speech' on platforms would want Congress or governors to step in to start enacting 'new bills' to 'serve & protect' our 'FREE SPEECH!' Perhaps a "Laissez Faire Free Speech Act" is just one 'solution' of many 'new bills' to expand our horizons…

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  4. It's now time to 'ENFORCE': Strictly regulate a 'level playing field' on platforms!

    'We the people' HIGHLY believe the time has been 'LONG' overdue to establish a 'level playing field' on platforms! These platforms have knowingly & willingly 'RIGGED' the system in their favor to serve their "special interests" to put 'profit over people!' 'We the people' believe these "over privileged" 'hot shot executives' do 'NOT' have the 'right' to "RIG" our 'Bill of Rights!' These executives are 'NOT' properly qualified 'politicians, lawmakers or lobbyists' or 'elected officials' who think they have the 'right' to 'manipulate' our 'Bill of Rights!' Therefore we believe it's time to SIGN into LAW 'strict regulation' to ensure…

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  5. 'SIGN into LAW': A "Free & Fair Expression Moderation Act" to protect 'free speech' on platforms!

    'We the people' think the time is now extremely 'URGENT' to further regulate 'Big Tech' platforms to ensure that all us users have an equal opportunity level playing field to an open, free & fair marketplace exchange of ideas with unbiased, uninterrupted 'freedom of expression' & 'freedom of speech' to share our interests & passions! OH REALLY, are you freaking seriously telling us users our 'comments & opinions' were that so 'DOG GONE BAD' for Yahoo! to suddenly SHUTDOWN Articles & to not even archive Answers!? 'We the people' want 'Big Tech' to be held accountable & responsible for any…

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  6. Inciting the world to bully Africa is the narrative.

    You article:"WHO warns lack of COVID-19 vaccine supply in Africa could make it breeding ground for new variants and ‘send the whole world back to square one’". Is clearly part of an agenda to bully Africa by the world because they are not taking the death jab and instead are using Ivermectin and crushing Bill Gates, the murderer's, virus. You demonize any who aren't falling for the fake narrative of the vaccine. Individuals and even countries. You lie about medications which up til now have been effective for years but now all of the sudden they have become deadly. Oh,…

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  7. The California recall wasn't rigged? **

    "Trump released a statement baselessly claiming the California recall election was rigged less than an hour after polls closed"

    Yeah, it wasn't rigged. Tell that to all those people who went to vote at the polls and were told they already voted!!!*

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  8. Excuse me but aren't you politicizing with this article? Hypocrites!!!

    "Trump Politicizes Soldier Deaths. Gold Star Families Call It ‘Disgusting.’"

    Seems to me the ones who politicizing are you and the dems. You don't even see it!!! You are such a joke!!! Trump has been so present throughout his presidency and after for soldiers, vets, policemen, firemen, first responders etc. Sure, not all families grieving for the loss of a loved one support him but he is supported by far more than not!!!! Ask the soldiers what they think about Biden the fool!! I dare you!!! You won't though because you already know. Go write some more garbage. The libtard…

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  9. Your article is cr@p as usual

    I don't care for Minaj but I do agree with her choice. Your article: "USA TODAY
    Stop with the nonsense: Just tell the truth about why you won't get a COVID vaccination" is complete and utter cr@p!!!

    While it is true we do not know what is in many medications ( neither do you) the medications you mentioned in your cr@p article have been lab tested for side effects both short and long term. This vaccine hasn't!!!! We, or should I say you and all those getting this kill shot, are the lab rats used in the test!!! I will…

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  10. Fauci the rat should know

    "Fauci warns of possible ‘monster’ variant of COVID if pandemic isn’t stamped out with vaccinations"

    Fauci the rat should know, he is the one creating all the variants. The guy is a quack and knows nothing about his so called specialty. He is a fraud. He is a Gates flunky who is responsible, along with Gates, for the deaths of millions of innocent people. You put them both on a pedestal. Some day they will be kicked off their perch and be swinging in the wind, choking to death for their crimes!!! You too will held accountable. You may think…

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  11. They are going to kill us all no matter what.

    "Moderna conducting first human trials of HIV vaccine using mRNA technology"

    The inventor of mRNA has stated that it is never, ever, to be used on humans under any circumstances. His warning is being totally ignored. He warned that it will kill anyone who takes such a shot and you know this. You are pushing death on the global masses. You, along with Fauci, Bill Gates, Soros, CDC, WHO etc think you have the right to choose who lives in your future world and who doesn't. It is so obvious what is really going on here yet the blind who…

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  12. Already starting in on 2024 with lies.

    Your article: "2024 odds slide for Biden, Harris; Harris leads Trump by 2%" is a total joke. We all know the truth now. Neither Biden or Harris come close to Trump now or in the future!!! You guys are nothing but a CIA tool for propaganda. We all know that there was widespread cheating in the last election and that Trump indeed won by a huge margin. But go ahead, keep lying. Keep showing us false polls. Maybe you will sway some of the weak minded to change their side. I for sure won't be one of them. You're a…

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  13. Whatever Biden says we can trust. Right.....

    "Biden mandates COVID vaccines for nursing-home workers, promises booster shots will be ‘easy’"

    He's the same **** who said if you get two shots you would be fully vaccinated and not need to wear a mask anymore. Now he's pushing boosters. How many shots will we need before we are fully protected? Twenty, thirty forty? I am already fully protected with my God given immune system. No ***** for me thank you. My body is free from the Fauci/Gates death shot and will be til the day I die!!!!

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  14. Sure Fauci wants everyone to get booster shots! I wonder why!!!

    Fauci now pushing the booster shots. I wonder why?

    "UPDATE 1-FOCUS-Pfizer, Moderna seen reaping billions from COVID-19 vaccine booster market"

    They put it in your face!!! Wake up people!!! This has nothing to do with helping us and everything to do with them raking in billions!!! They don't care about us!!! All they care about is money first and secondly killing off as many of us as they can!!! THIS SHOT WILL KILL YOU IN LESS THAN TWO YEARS!!! Many experts are saying this shot is actually a delivery system for the spike protein which is toxic to humans!!! They…

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  15. POS Fauci making out like a bandit!!!

    "Fauci predicts everyone will need COVID-19 vaccine booster"

    Sure he would predict that. He is in the pocket of Bill Gates and big pharma who are making billions and killing off the useless eaters laughing all the way to the bank!! Hey Fuckci, I won't need a booster!! I haven't taken the first shot yet nor will I.

    And a side note for Arnold Schwarzenegger, no buddy, ********* and all of your Nazi friends. You want to pee on my freedoms? Go back to Austria and tell them to stick their freedoms where the sun don't shine you big lunk…

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  16. Covid here to stay by design.

    "Why COVID-19 Might Be Here to Stay—And How We'll Learn to Live With It"

    It's not a question of "might" be here to stay. This fake virus is the catalyst for all of the wet draconian dreams of the new world order communist scum bags. This was coming for a very long time and they are not going to go backwards for any reason. If anything it is going to get worse. Covid is not a virus, it is a system!!!

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  17. More garbage from your sewer hack writers.

    "Dominion says OAN's 'expert mathematician' who claimed to prove election fraud had a job 'setting up swing sets'"

    What does that imply? That a person who has a humble job cannot be a brilliant mathematician? Instead of looking into someone's past to sling mud on them look into what he has to say and the proof he brings to the table. But no, all you do is demean people. That is what you have become proficient at. Always making those who do not go with the flow you are ordered to follow look like morons and fools. You have become…

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  18. How many lies do you publish per day?

    "Democrats push through $3.5 trillion budget resoluton to assist families and fight climate change"

    You make it sound like all that money is going to families in need when you know a small percentage, about five percent, us actually going to Americans. The rest is going into radical left wing projects like the green new deal. The Dems are printing money at break neck speed and are going to print America's economy right down the toilet!!! More money to buy the sane amount of products, or less products, is a certain recipe for total disaster!!!! You make it sound so…

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  19. Oh my!!! We're all gonna die!!!

    "Texas Hospitals Are Already Overloaded. Doctors Are 'Frightened by What Is Coming.'"

    You're so full of *!!! Scare tactics nothing more!!! I knew that Yahoo was going to start with the ***** stories about Texas and Florida months ago since they are two states that are anti Covid/CDC/Fraudci. You are painting a dismil picture of both Florida and Texas. Why? Obviously because those two states are not biting the BS coming from Fauci the quack and the CDC (CENTER FOR DISEASE CREATION). You are noting but a cheap ***** sold to the globalist ***** bags. You are pieces…

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  20. I watched Lindell's symposium. He blew you liars out if the water!!!

    I watched some of Lindell's symposium and quite frankly he is totally right and you know it!!! You are definitely part of the entire scheme. Shame on you.

    "Mike Lindell blasted Fox News again for ignoring his debunked voter-fraud theories. 'What happened to reporting the news?' he asked."

    We know exactly what happened to reporting the news and free speech. You guys are so exposed!!!! There is no doubt anymore who you are and who gives you your marching orders. So busted!!!

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