The old format was easier to read
- It's very slow. Moving the cursor back to correct an error is even slower.
- Reverse type (white on a color) is never a good idea, as each screen user gets a slightly different result.
- Sans-serif reverse type, using a thin font makes the whole page much harder to read.
- There seems to have been little user-testing. I know, I know, if it's free, the users become the beta test. This isn't working for me.
Sc'Eric Horner commented
Sans serif fonts are essential to dyslexic users. Favorite fonts: Courier New, Arial and (occasionally) Times New Roman.
Next, light fonts on dark backgrounds are useful for users who are not in a bright room. (Nocturnal people tend to prefer dark backgrounds. I prefer monochrome-green font on black, for ease of reading.) That said, those backgrounds should be solid color, not hazy pastels: BLACK, not grey. And fonts should be equally contrasting. (That said, when email browsers originally had a white background 20 yrs ago, we all rallied to get off-white backgrounds at the very least so we didn't need sunglasses to read our email!)
Should be pretty easy for the interface to be set BY THE USER between a white or black background... with a separate setting for the default color of the font.
Dottie C commented
Yes, much easier to read.
Partylimo Coach commented
Delete te clause in terms of service forcing BINDING ARBITRATION!
You just lost anoter customer for BOTH Verizon and te entire Yaaoo group. -
Anonymous commented
Reverse type (white on black or another dark color) is very valuable for some users, particularly the visually impaired.
Attila Vagvolgyi commented
I hate to accept your "New" (???) Privacy and Terms all the time!
Have I mentioned it already? :) Of course I have. If you ask me to accept it again, I will repeat to ask you again. -
Phil Dillard SR commented
I have problems reading my e-mails because the text is so small. How can I increase the size of the text to make it more visible? I wear glasses and it is too hard to read my text messages. The OLD format was not as hard to read.
Martin Pye commented
Put it back to how it was, plain and simple!!!
aroma signet commented
1. It's very slow. Moving the cursor back to correct an error is even slower.