your content is becoming increasingly inaccurate and unreliable... grammar is frequently not up to par... needs editors.
your content is becoming increasingly inaccurate and unreliable... grammar is frequently not up to par... needs editors.

Taylor Brown commented
They know they are doing this and don't care. They need to have their ***** dragged into Federal Court and have section 230 cracked over their empty heads.
Doug Epling commented
Perhaps Yahoo should hire a few UpWorkers!
Mark Poyant commented
Yaho has a decidedly left bias......
Jon Samaha commented
YAHOO shows increasingly inaccurate reporting with no verification, along with many, many, grammatical errors. The Reporters YAHOO hires constantly report on other's reporting. I've seen where they reported about Tom Cruise not going to the Oscars. Which cannot be confirmed. Why write the article at all?
scott alexander commented
Spelling and grammar is horrible at times.
Louise MacIntyre commented
Needs grownups
Ahmad Abedelhafez commented
ليس جيدا انه لا يعمل و معقد جدا لا يعمل على الدخول إلى البريد و من ثم فتح البريد الوارد لدي حساب على فيس بوك لن استطيع الوصول إليه
Jon R Murphy commented
most of this has become this way since the Verizon acquisition of Yahoo.... Yahoo used to be the it doesnt appear to be up to the task of reporting the news accurately anymore...