How does YAHOO, put up, with all the ****** things, Masque regularly uses against players in YAHOO'S GAMES!!!!!
I've been made to scratch on the 8 ball several times by all kinds of different ways, Examples:1. - 2 pockets get marked(One by just having a cursor just go over it. 2. Q-ball goes in the opposite direction of the english marked. 3. Power for the cue stick hits the q-ball at full power(When it was supposed to be 1/4 power)Thus the Qball scratches and 4. The game FAILS TO- MARK THE POCKET - where the 8 ball just went!!
ralph stewart commented
I've been made to scratch on the 8 ball several times by all kinds of different ways, Examples:1. - 2 pockets get marked(One by just having a cursor just go over it). 2. Q-ball goes in the opposite direction, of the English marked. 3. Power for the cue stick, hits the q-ball at full power(When it was supposed to be 1/4 power) Thus the Q-ball scratches and 4. The game FAILS TO- MARK THE POCKET - where the 8 ball just went!!