Dana Reagan
My feedback
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17th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Dana Reagan supported this idea · -
91st rankedDana Reagan shared this idea ·
23rd rankedDana Reagan supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dana Reagan commentedI find the lack of a comments section under certain news stories which are apparently considered too political or otherwise divisive to be arbitrary and more than a bit cowardly. I am aware that Yahoo is a private company, but it still seems like a form of censorship. It seems all the more absurd when the company seems to appreciate the advertising dollars and clicks generated around stories with a level of excitement, shock, impact, or even simply divisiveness. It's odd that some political stories have no comment section, but other stories considered just as prone to generate conflict do. Where is the logic here? What is more of a concern to me is that Yahoo seems to do little to limit of enact consequences regarding commentary which can gat rather vile, or even push into hate speech. A little courage an responsibility is in order. Either that or stop trying to get our attention with your news segments.
1st ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Dana Reagan commentedSeriously, stop contributng to a huge problem in our culture for the sake of advertising dollars Yahoo. I have been a long-time supporter, but if you can't bring yourself to stop repeating blatantly fake news, and general BS from sources like Russian Troll Farms and Fox News, I'm out. Also, would it kill you to focus more on serious issues, science, and community programs rather than vacuous celebrity non-sense? Reclaim your didginity and chose to lead Yahoo. You were once such a bright an interesting site. What will you choose now?
Dana Reagan supported this idea ·
I think people should be able to post their viewpoints on stories of importance instead of feeling patronized by an organization which is making money off of them. I do not support threats or hate speech, but if you are going to post a news story, either let people speak, or drop comments altogether. I guess we can only comment on unimportant "safe" stories. What is the point in that?