just public the facts- no opinion, no bias, no interpretation- just the facts
Pat Orear commented
Heard the Father of fallen service member say he was insulted when he watched Biden checking his watch. Another mother said she confronted him on his with drawl plan and he walked away with
a wave over his head with his back to her. I don't believe they were lying.. -
Shane Burke commented
there is a box over the first word but I think I agree. we just need facts not a twisted nonsense opinion that distorts news until it can meet their agenda.
Verizon / yahoo is biased. And Democrats tell lies, they removed comments because they can't handle competition bunch of cry babys.
Don't click on any yahoo links from home page hit them in the pocket book
Problem is yahoo does not know what facts are only Democrat lies
Dave Wain commented
It would be so wonderful if you would report ALL of the facts and not just bits and pieces in order to advance your liberal left political agenda. Your employees consider themselves reporter’s. You think you are actually supporting the communities you serve. Never mind the mayhem, anguish or anxiety you drive forward. Fine, I consider your reporters traitors to their trade and their country, your service a dis-service to the American people and your organization a corrupt self serving one. In the future I shall be getting my real news and information from a different source. One that believes in honesty, integrity and reporting all of the facts known at the time of publication and allow me to make up my own mind.
Joe Richards commented
Next you'll tell us that Fux has the facts!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
they can't do that because the facts never support their agenda.