Stop running the same articles for weeks at a time. It gets boring to have to scroll through the news se see anything new.

David Bearden commented
I go down the page and I see stories repeated and repeated just going down the page. Then you click on a stories you must go thru page after page have it on one page,
Verizon / yahoo is biased. And Democrats tell lies, they removed comments because they can't handle competition bunch of cry babys.
Don't click on any yahoo links from home page hit them in the pocket book
Phil Brady commented
Help the Work-From-Home workforce protect their health from prolonged sitting and poor posture with product and computer workstation solutions
Mickey L Strain commented
If the repeating of OLD, OLD new stories doesn't stop, I will go to another place and drop YAHOO COMPLETELY
Joe Richards commented
I fully agree with this idea!!!
It's sickening to see the same article day after day after week etc.
For example, the one about Motley Fool's 'SOLID BUY'. Been on her for about SIX weeks now. Obviously they are paying Yahoo to keep showing this long past it's 'Sell by' date.
Anonymous commented
Please clean up Yahoo News. Stories are continually mis-catagorized. Multiple repeats of the same story and stories re-posted for weeks at a time. And now the News Home page keeps re-setting back to the top forcing me to scroll WAY down again. I have been a loyal reader for years but enough is getting to be enough.
Uduak Bassey commented
I'd love to get my site featured on Yahoo news. I write fresh content on fashion,hair and beauty in Africa.
Anonymous commented
Yahoo is not the only news game in town. If you're unhappy check out cnn, msnbc, npr, etc. without all the repetitive articles.
Anonymous commented
Has anyone even noticed that Yahoo doesn't actually read these posts? It's just a way for them to "allow" readers to vent. They don't really give a hoot what we think. Nothing changes.
Anonymous commented
Hey everyone! Has it occurred to you that Yahoo doesn't even read these posts? It's just a way for them to allow you some venting. They don't give a hoot one way or the other what we think.
Anonymous commented
stop repeating the same thing over and over and labeling headlines that report a different story from the heading when you click on it
Anonymous commented
NEWS means new not repeated articles from 4 days ago.
Mark Keane commented
Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!vLeaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!vvLeaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!vvvLeaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!Leaving Yahoo home page,tired or the same repeating **** stories!
Anonymous commented
I'm sure your content manager can develop an algorithm to delete old news stories after a maximum of three days.