Report more about things that are important to the US Citizens.
We are seeing reports all over, repeating themselves time and time again and I have not seen one story about the flu epidemic in this country.
Around 600 people who have dies - bad yes but their country has over 6 billion people. We have had so far since 10/2019 12,000 deaths from flu
in this country and the estimate for the season is 30,000. These figures are from the CDC reports. What gives????
Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for democrats to read the lies we print over the truth and interests and passions. In order to in order to yahoo says
keep our community experience, for Democrats only we are suspending comments on all articles that don't fit our Democrat adjenda. -
Jeanne Roberts commented
This is liberal Yahoo's way of stopping independent thinkers from voicing their opinions and stacking the deck for Democrats to win their elections. This is how Hitler controlled the people by what they were told and what they were to believe. Yahoo can't handle the truth.
If you notice since they shut the comments down there have been 200% more negative articles about trump and his supporters and 100% up tick in positive Democrat lies.
John Anthony commented
This is not a suggestion for something nice to have. I'm reporting a problem: You need to put dates and times on the two coronavirus maps and all articles. Here's the link to which I refer:
It's ridiculous that there are no date or time stamps. How are we supposed to know when the last update was, especially for coronavirus graphs and maps, or whether the articles are relevant or older news? -
C. Marc Marc Williams commented
Put the daily Coronavirus data back on the main Coronavirus page. It was nice to see the world and the US tallies. It is worthless now. It only rehashes the same stories listed on the main news page. I now look to go to the WHO site instead.
Cary Motter commented
I'm tired of the coronavirus I do not want to see any more of it stop sending me notifications about it
Jamie W Kidd commented
Stop with the daily COVID news. I work in healthcare, dont want it popping up. Get rid of it.
Brian Sunderhaus commented
Unsubscribe button to stop being bothered by your unsolicited "news" updates. ENOUGH!