Put Parler back up
You are blocking free speech selectively. I want Parler reinstated on Yahoo or I will have to switch. We are not a socialist country nor should we be. You are not a customer oriented company as you portray. Put Parler back on now and anything related to TRUMP. There are millions of us so pay attention to what we say. We are users too so do not stifle us. You allow other kinds of groups that spit out hatred, but not us law abiding citizens! Really!!!! Please Listen!!!
John B B commented
parler is right wing lies and propaganda. if you like Trump you are an idiot and the enemy of democracy and the friend of fascism
Chazz commented
Uh yeah...I guess Republican consipiracy theorists need their daily injection of bul$hit.
Frank McKinley commented
They have said it quite well indeed! I've seen communism first hand starting at 19 years old in the old Republic of Viet Nam and watching it in our illegal government with the Brigands in charge having usurped powerfrom "WE THE PEOPLE"! and stolen our votes with CIA software "The Hammer" & "Scorecard" application with tremendous "Vove Harvesting" Intimidation, threats, violence, theft, fraud so very massive and brazen! IdiotsTraotors, selfdestructive and destroying America on purpose! That is world class championship bone headed knuckle walking Imbecilic STUPID &NUTS to the MAX possible!!! Most Sincerely & Frankly
Ula Calla commented
Consign Parler to the dustbin of Internet failures. Don’t allow hatred to win, don’t support violence or treason. Trump belongs in jail with the rest of his crime family and anyone who participated in the riot at the Capitol Building. God Bless America, land that I love.