Bring back comments section !
Bring back comments sections. Show some fortitude !

Yvette Smith commented
It seems like Yahoo chooses what can be commented on and what cannot. That is wrong. If you are going to limit comments then limit them for all articles.
Dana Reagan commented
I find the lack of a comments section under certain news stories which are apparently considered too political or otherwise divisive to be arbitrary and more than a bit cowardly. I am aware that Yahoo is a private company, but it still seems like a form of censorship. It seems all the more absurd when the company seems to appreciate the advertising dollars and clicks generated around stories with a level of excitement, shock, impact, or even simply divisiveness. It's odd that some political stories have no comment section, but other stories considered just as prone to generate conflict do. Where is the logic here? What is more of a concern to me is that Yahoo seems to do little to limit of enact consequences regarding commentary which can gat rather vile, or even push into hate speech. A little courage an responsibility is in order. Either that or stop trying to get our attention with your news segments.
john fiske commented
Bring back comments. Quite being the thought police. you claim free speech then let your readers have it also. Quit being a Trumpette
Martin Ott commented
The killing of the LA girl by a typical black criminal is beyond shocking. Black crime needs to be addressed and the police that have to go out and face the animals need protection. We need to comment and address this blight on America.
Yahoo continues to suppress the voice of the people. They are afraid of the peoples opinion.They continue to print their biased opinions without being held accountable. Yahoo doesn't report the news ,they try to shape it to fit their political agenda. Isn't that what happened in Hitlers Germany???
Care411 j commented
This is how "we", the users of yahoo, the consumers - the customers. The people who give yahoo hundreds of millions want to reach. I am hopeful one day someone will decide to put us first. To value our opinion and speech. Comments are how we reccomend great ideas, improve on current things, change politics, warn people of fraudulent or harmful product and 100,000 other things. The problem. We are open and honest. We might be critical of government Yahoo yields to & Fears (NSA/Yahoo - Unconstitutional Surveillance) proves Yahoo is afraid of the government. The corporate news must also control their own agendas and that of the government. Allowing us to talk about these things is scary for government and yahoo is unwilling to support us. Then there is yahoos corporate interests. We might be honest and critique a product, an advertiser and their feelings would be hurt. We are a far second here. The thought yahoo even values or our opinions is absurd. I no longer use any yahoo product and limit my footprint the best I can. Until yahoo actually values their real customers, GIVE US A VOICE, an ability to communicate with other humans, you should remove yahoo from your lives too. It is just such a strange thing. We are the customers and yahoo is afraid of us talking with, interacting with or engaging each other. What a nasty world we live in when corporations genuinely control who we speak with and when. anything legal to harm yahoo or any one associated with the company should be done. It is not just them. Youtube is doing the same. If anything the power of speech is demonstrated. Corporations who control us must control our ability to interact/share information.
Pamela J Jarvis commented
Your propaganda makes me view you less and less. I like conversations and being able to express my own views. Weary of your stance of spouting your views without engaging anyone. underwhelmed .
Dixon Deweb commented
Bring back the comments!!!! Your propaganda cannot go unchallenged.
James C Fitzberger commented
Absolutely, bring back comments. Yahoo News' bias is so blatantly obvious that some push back must be allowed.
Thomas Monds commented
Yes bring back the comment section and stop being so bias
Abran Ron commented
Now we learn that a portion of West Virginia's electorate is attempting to pressure their Senator Joe Manchin on the grounds that he's NOT "conservative" enough. How primitive must one be, to satisfy these folks? As I've said before, a cynical person might conclude that these people are intent upon committing suicide, and will not tolerate any opposition to this purpose. This might be bearable for a cynic, except for the fact that they're also forcing their beliefs upon the rest of us. This is patently unfair; I'll speak for myself alone, but I'm simply not ready to die. I suspect that most people share my outlook. And, these people are quite aware that their views are being forced upon us. That's their plan. Am I the only one who who sees this as unfair?
Abran Ron commented
So, those of us who agree with Verizon about the recent state of affairs are BY DEFINITION liars. And what's more, we are incapable of learning the error(s) off our ways. I can't help but wonder whether this is simple a case of "the pot calling the kettle black". And in their case, why am I not surprised at their reaction?
Abran Ron commented
Senator Ron Johnson's latest polemic should serve as a reminder to all of us that the Republican Party began as a faction of the Whigs who called themselves the "Know-Nothings". It would deem that, even after more than one hundred seventy years, these people have not changed. And it's sad.
Tim Pallokat commented
I so agree but working for such a ****** company like Verizon I personally know they never will. They don't want your opinion they just want to shove the WOKE agenda down your throat. VERIZON MEDIA SUCKS they are so full of lies you should see the Verizon home page we are forced to look at daily on company computers. So leftist liberal it isn't even funny. This Manchin article about BBB and tying it to climate change is a perfect example of see it my way or forget it. #verizonmediafail. AMEN to Manchin for saying NO!!!!!!!!
James Green commented
Bring back the comments section and the ability to post information that clearly shows the bias in your reporting of the events of the day.
James R Kobleur commented
Banning comments is clearly censorship. The articles are presented as news but you are taking away the ability of readers to correct the misinformation presented in the articles as "Facts". Honest debate is the best way to reach the truth and allowing only the views of one side to be presented is not journalism; it is advocacy. Yahoo should be ashamed.
george your words are useless commented
so you guys allow the godless to whine in comment sections on articles that make Christianity look bad. but no one is allowed to comment on faux news Christmas tree being burned down ? your bias for the godless is telling yahoo, you are just as phony as fox.
and people, if you're a partisan, YOU are the problem with America.
Donald Coles commented
With no comments being allowed tells me they are running 2 to 1 against your bias editorials.
peter welch commented
Yahoo is run by a bunch of poons they are to chicken **** to bring back the comments as they would be roasted