Stop censoring comments over minor, petty things. Ya'll are turning into *****.
Let people talk...stop censoring everything. Its ridiculous.

stephen turpin commented
Stop blocking the word Nazi and Hitler, Trump a want to be Hitler shouldn't be blocked
james l walton commented
have tried to comment but your A/I which does not look at replies just won't let me comment when I know it is not breaking your rules.STOP YOUR CENSORING.
nelson stahl commented
Why is stating history comments rejected? While there maybe different opinions on the cause of events none should be blocked. Censorship to change history is dangerous to everyone.
Deborah A Manning commented
I had this comment rejected. For what reason? I do nt see this as a violation.: Really Randy? What makes you think they were uninsured? Have you ever had to deal with insurance after a fire? It's been years since some of the California fires and people are still waiting for insurance to pay. Most commenters here should never go to Hawaii because they just don't understand it.
Daniel L commented
Kill comments, please. Get rid of them. They add nothing and nobody is happy with them.
They're unfixable. Folks treat this place like it's 4chan. Put it out of it's misery.
Caleb Grunfeld commented
As said many times. LET PEOPLE TALK !!! Do YAHOO moderators, and the like live in some antiseptic atmosphere, always pointing to some set of rules that simply do NOT apply to the many many comments you kick. I would love to meet some of these absurd people who are making judgements against comments that tell the truth of the Fascist, Traitorous faction that the so called GOP Conservatives and their lackeys has become. Upsets who??? Traitors and the filth that support them ???
Michael Mayo commented
You censored a comment of mine it read "Bold move, Cotton" what exactly do you think I'm trying to say?
Willie Rogers commented
I am stuck in a "Rejected" loop. Every comment I make is rejected!!!
FrodoB commented
I commented on a user asking why Chinese archeologists were laughing at finding a 2,500 year old toilet with "Potty humor" and got rejected. Seriously? every 2 year old knows about potty humor. -
J. T. commented
Stop censoring people!
Here, I tried to post this and you folks have rejected it and locked me out..... seriously?"Fourth try. Amazing that Yahoo rejects this stuff. I guess NASA and JPL are no-nos to the community....
Twenty years is an extremely small sample size.
Current weather much more likely brought about by Ha'apai eruption than climate.
Ten percent more atmospheric moisture content is unprecedented.
Search NASA JPL Global Climate Ha'apai Luis Millan."
Are you folks really censoring a NASA/JPL Climate Scientist?
Think about that for a moment! -
Mary Starr commented
U stop my comments but u let what i assume is the left 's comments go thru Right ,Right so it is a onesided deal
Jim M LaIuppa commented
Here's the exact wording of the post which ultimately got me blocked from posting. Note that I had reworded it several times to try to appease the censor (originally I had used the "incompetence" rather than "poor planning")::
Pro-Russian Telegram channels have been openly talking about the losses in order to shame the Russian general staff for their poor planning (Yahoo is now censoring perfectly good English words)
:: Can whomever is controlling the boards at least have the courtesy of highlighting the supposedly offensive words above? I honestly don't know what I said that was all that bad -- unless it was the comment about the censor that was being censored.
Mark Ten commented
I have no problem with some moderation, but it seems that the moderation is a one way street and does not actually review what it prevents for posts. If it actually reviewed the initial posts being replied to they might make a different response. instead, it appears if people post responses to an initial post that is misleading, outright lies or is somehow a racist, sexist or otherwise hateful post, why not review the original post in the thread? That does not seem to happen and, instead, the matter how well thought and backed by facts on the ground, is shut down instead. So now, all I can do is report the misleading posts instead of responding to them with facts. Joy.
Mark Ten commented
Indeed, I have been bitten by this situation.. no details as to WHY. No way to refute the judgment or to show a HISTORY of the postings. Just no longer able to post a well thought response to an article. Not even through the posting censor...just no way to even initiate a post. I am thinking of cancelling my 20+ year Yahoo membership as this is foolish and I have not violated any posting terms that I am aware of.....yet other people who 1repeatedly lie, abuse others with racist innuendo continue to post on the very same threads I am attempting to post to. Either this gets corrected within a week or I will search for a new *news* source and e-mail.
Jeff Hickerson commented
I don't think Yahoo controls the moderation of the comments section. I have been banned apparently for over four months and Yahoo paid support told me that OpenWeb controls the moderation, not Yahoo. However, neither is apparently willing to assist when you get banned for no apparent reason.
Thomas Bailey commented
I can not tell because of the censorship but I would say I agree with the comment. Yahoo censors way too much. The kind of censorship I would expect in China or Russia or Iran etc.
Linda and or Herb Savage commented
Every single comment I make, no matter how inoccuous, is rejected. WHY?
John Cantwell commented
I was personally attacked by another poster, called a Bolshevik, etc. That's not the problem, I can handle it. BUT when I wrote back (politely, no bad words) to call him out, my comment is censured. I suspect the problem is the AI they use it ****. It is badly designed and misinterprets things. But I mean really bad because if I write "Typical reply, no actual value added to the discussion", what the **** is wrong with that?!
Kerry Rock commented
Facebook is everywhere!
Rich Pizzo commented
I post everywhere, Israel two different newspapers, Al Jazera, England two different newspapers, China two different newspapers, The US many different newspapers, Facebook, Twitter, and Yahoo..... I never got shut down by any of them except Yahoo. There are better ways yahoo.. give it up.. see my recomendations..