I don't like the new news format that came in about a week ago (2/15/24)

Master Master commented
New formant is horrible go back to old style.
Peter T commented
The new homepage is too cluttered and confusing. Please bring back the simple, easy to navigate, home page that you recently did away with.
Thank you -
Harland C Greene commented
Revert to the old format. This new format is miserable.
Tom G commented
Go back to the original page. This new Yahoo page is too cluttered.
Can no longer customize content? I don't want to see ONE item of Fox (Faux) News. "Currently" is HORRIBLE compared to the old "My Yahoo". AT&T has the worst user interfaces. So 20th century.
Shirley Weigl commented
The new yahoo homepage is so difficult to read/navigate. I liked the old one, because the important stories were scrollable at the top, then I could go down for other stories. Now, there's a huge ad at the top which takes up a good portion of the screen so that I have to scroll down to see the news stories.
Karen Smith commented
I cannot even tell you how much I hate, hate, hate the new Yahoo homepage. Please bring back My.Yahoo. In the meantime, I have had to move to the MSN homepage which is at least slightly better.
Mark Thompson commented
The new News Page formatting is terrible! The new format makes it more difficult to find relevant information because it limits the space available for the headline. And if I'm reading a longer article, when I return to the Home Page it resets itself! Please return to the old format which was much more user-friendly!
SCOT commented
I agree. I absolutely hate the new version. I will have to find a new news source as the new yahoo page is a cluttered mess and unusable.
Margy J Wood commented
Where do I find the calendar?
Margy J Wood commented
1where di I find the calendar?
Margy J Wood commented
I liked having the news and my list of stock prices on the same page
Mark Schroeder commented
The initial page that I would always see was "today's news." Now I am required to click "news" then "todays news" every time. How can I reset it to the old way?
Jolanta Jimenez commented
I have been with Yahoo for about 25 years .I had no idea that Yahoo changed a home page format & I was in shock to open it today .
Am i stuck with it ?
The headlines & pictures are too big ! The advertising is taking up more then half a page .
The top ticker offers me a horoscope ( it's not free , isn't it ?) .
It is not news , it is gossip material .
I'm thinking to make Google my front page ;( -
Clay mckemie commented
I need to be able to change/personalize the home page content and choose my news sources; otherwise I will not read this page. I will not read the articles unless you let me choose my sources. I need to be able to edit the page to provide me with news that interests me!
Michael Callahan commented
I would like to have the privilege of construction my own home page like I used to be able to do.
Boris Livshits commented
How to change home page content?
Tom Reahard commented
Surely you can do better than this! I'M seventy four years old, I don't need change.
I WANT MY (MY YAHOO) BACK!!!!!!!! #*^&#$%@#$ -
Elaine Bryant commented
I previously used your front page to gather information of interest from legitimate sources, and I could focus on what areas of interest. This new format is pure garbage. I will no longer be using your front page for anything.
Laura Lewis-Barr commented
I'm hunting for other news sources now. Used to love the yahoo news format and I consulted it frequently. This new format is horrible for me.