Falsification of global climate change.
You know that global climate change can be falsified, correct? Maybe do a story on that fact. Why would a political organization like the UN/IPCC have any credibility in the realm of scientific processes? They are not a scientific institution. Having a 16yo girl speaking to the general assembly just further demonstrates their lack of actual scientific facts. Any real world UN assembly that was trying to convince the planet of some impending existential threat would be better served with having an actual climatologist address their assembly in front of the world. Would any actual political organization be addressed by a teenager over something so dire and threatening to humanity? Not likely. Climate only applies to land masses. That's why the UN/IPCC changed their wording from GCC to Global warming. Someone informed them that there is no global climate. Climate is divided into zones on land masses, specifically. No oceans are included, so no total global climate exists. Climate is determined by :LOWERN: Lattitude, Ocean Currents, Wind, Elevation, Relief, Nearness to water. Notice the distinct absence of CO2. 420ppm of CO2 is too low of a concentration to have any real effect on weather and thus also no effect on climate. Since Climate= Weather X (unit time)(30 years). Solve the equation for CO2. Meteorological data does not even include CO2 levels. CO2 at 420/1,000,000 particles only represents .04kPa in partial pressure; which equates to .04F. That's all the heat that CO2 possesses at its negligible total concentration in the atmosphere, where concentration equals partial pressure and heat content proportionally. Take your time