Please stop publishing leftwing opinion pieces, as "News"
Your leftwing opinion pieces are NOT news, they're just opinion. News pieces have been verified and come from a professional journalism organization.
Ed D commented
Please provide only facts. I prefer not to see opinions. As adults, we should be capable of forming our own opinions. -
george t commented
how about any opinion piece. do you believe right wing opinion pieces are news ?
Ed D commented
John Melone commented
I no longer consider Yahoo 'news' a source of news, but more like a comic strip. The fourth estate is supposed to be unbiased, objective. You are anything but. You have become a joke! At the end of the day all you can rest your laurels on is your credibility and your integrity. Yahoo News has neither anymore. Nice job.
Very true, first thig this morning all bashing Trump, sad..
Scott NONEYA commented
This has gotten so bad on Yahoo news that i may stop using you for anything at all.
Scott NONEYA commented
Maybe keep from posting nothing but Trump hating liberal news Feeds like Huffington post and others. You used to be pretty even handed but not any more!!
Tamara Goforth commented
Quite enough damage has been done by the Demonrat party. Have you not noticed? Why should we vote in more of the same? I live in Psychofornia, the poster child for total mismanagement and
bad policy. If you agree with the results of our debacle, I can only conclude that you hate this country and wish for it to be further damaged. The current Presidential candidate is incompetent
and the VP candidate Is a lunatic! Is this what you want? -
Tamara Goforth commented
Could you possibly temper your political bias? Seems to me that Yahoo
should. be neutral and not so obviously Demonrat! -
KIMON PAULUS commented
How about more even-handedness on Yahoo "news" feeds. Everything is so left leaning I mainly use Yahoo for mail anymore. Soooooo biased.
Norbert Lange commented
It would be good if you'd refuse to publish fake ads such as the one claiming Jagmeet Singh had a fatal accident on air.
Betty Carlisle commented
Why does Yahoo, purportedly independent news, psot 3:1 News of Trump to VP Harris?
Most are Fox articles that are frequently laced with lies, misinformation and lots of photos. -
William Vance commented
There are way too many Trump articles on your site.
Don White commented
I looked at your top 200 stories and 22 of them were anti Trump. When you become so obviously slanted I wonder why I waste my time with Yahoo. I am leaving your site for regular news. by all calculations 50% of the country is Republican and 50% is Democrat. I realize you are likely owned by liberals which is fine and you can choose to publish what you like. I wonder if Target or Kroger had the same approach their shareholders would appreciate the bias. You are losing veiwership/clicks. Continue to alienate 1/2 the population and you will get what you deserve, a DECLINE in customers. After years of being a loyal customer you have lost me for good. I know nobody will care about losing me, but actions have consequences. Just ask Bud Light
Isaiah Schumacker commented
allow us to click a menu and select not interested in news from this org.. like microsoft has on their home page
Isaiah Schumacker commented
Please stop showing me all your political propaganda
Jim Heaton commented
I suggest you use your AI to check posted Yahoo articles to see if they comply with Yahoo policies. Many posted articles are biased to the point of being offensive. I often spend time replying and utilizing the same terminology as the article only to have it rejected without even an option to edit. Other opinions and omitted facts are also important. I agree not all comments warrant being printed, however neither are many so called expert opinions. So turn your AI lose on the expert opinions and if published, then allow responses in kind.
Joyce a VANDYKE commented
I really hope the right wing comes after you for censoring freedom of speech!! Enough is enough yahoo, Time for you to be shut down for good!!
Mel Klue commented
Nearly all of the YAHOO News sources are far left advocates. This censorship of conservative sources prevents a well balanced discussion. Continually promoting far left propaganda only results in alienating a large percentage of your readers, as the 1st rank rating of this important topic clearly indicates. Please return to valid journalism that presents multiple points of view on issues and avoids highlighting a one-sided woke narrative.
Kris C commented
Make your news feeds unbaised or call yourself the left wing leaning democratic politcal donors looking to corrupt an election. No one trusts what you put out anyway