too many unwanted adds
adds, adds and more adds.. Really!

ana breban commented
too many adds
Verizon/Yahoo make their money threw clicks on their content , so now that the did away with comments I will not click on any of their articles and deprive them of a pay check . Anyone reading this should do the same .
Green eyes commented
If you think that using a blocker stops all the ads, then you are the stupid one THELMA.
Anonymous commented
Use Firefox or Chrome. Get the browser extension "Adblock Plus". Reclaim your browser.
It seems as though Yahoo is following cable TV with the constant and irritating ads. I work really hard to not buy anything that is advertised on cable or Yahoo because of the constant ads that I don't even want to see.
Justin Jeffrey commented
Enough with the add popups, incredibly annoying, just like most other sites, you can't finish reading an article without having to find were you were after being RUDELY interrupted. Been around since the birth of the net, ready to give it all up for an old fashioned newspaper!! Can't stand the time wasted closing adds!!
Tony Montana commented
These sites are terrible,unable to browse anymore,!
Senya Means commented
And why would you post an ad for Fruit Loops in between the photos of a woman and her brother who are accused of beating her little son to death? What is wrong with you people?
Anonymous commented
I receive to many ads
Anonymous commented
I pay for the internet not ads I'm not interested in.