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5956 results found

  1. You need to stop pushing left wing garbage across your platform.

    Left wing ideals being pushed openly across this platform is unfair to your members who don't (and shouldn't) all have the same opinions. News outlets are supposed to be impartial and fair.

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  2. Mail app stopped working completely on Android

    Mail app suddenly stopped working on Samsung S22 running Android version 14. I've removed all the data, rebooted the phone and even reinstalled the app but it doesn't open anymore. It flashes but closes the app ui immediately. Please fix.

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  3. STOP your bombarding us with duplicate/triplicate ads for the same thing, nothing but "clickbait", don't like this ad, only comes right back

    STOP your bombarding us with duplicate/triplicate ads for the same thing, nothing but "clickbait", click 'don't like this ad', only to come right back in 10 minutes! Phony, "Private Browsing" site is NOT private!

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  4. Please reduce the amount of gambling sites as well as allowing a delete advertiser position

    I want to eliminate the unwanted gambling and ***** spam I keep getting and there is no facility to allow this

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  5. Have more human contact with someone to really help solve problems.

    I have been trying for over 3 years to pay a bill of 16 cents that Yahoo says I owe them. I have tried everything I can think of, talking to staff, sending an email nothing works. I want to start Ad Blocking and cannot do it because I owe Yahoo 16 cents.?

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  6. Incorrect info in news article.

    You have a news article about Woodstock New Brunswick being a bigoted pile of **** and incorrectly state in the headline that it is Woodstock Ontario. As someone from Woodstock Ontario, I don't want to be associated with that.

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  7. email app not working

    Email app for android is down. Hasn't worked for a couple days. I uninstalled, downloaded app again, restarted phone... nothing is working.
    Can you please fix?

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  8. Add a comment section ! You have it on but not ca.

    Add a comment section like! Stop shutting our mouths !

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  9. Cannot sign up for email too many failed attempts

    Please fix this issue so I can sign up for email.

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  10. No Responce from yahoo support team

    Hello Team,

    I am writing to report a critical and extremely frustrating issue with Yahoo email services. Despite contacting you multiple times, I have not received any response, and the issues remain unresolved.

    Firstly, I have not received any emails in my Yahoo inbox. I have checked all folders, including the spam folder, but there are no new emails present. This is beyond inconvenient and is causing major disruptions.

    Secondly, all outgoing emails from my server to Yahoo are being bounced back. The bounce-back messages indicate that the emails could not be delivered. I have verified that the email addresses…

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  11. 2670th ranked

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  12. Please do not impose two step verification without asking me in advance. Was without my phone and was locked out of aol as well.

    Have never given authorization for two step verification and got locked out my other account as well since yahoo is the email default.

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  13. Fix the fact you can't log in or log out properly. Sometimes it takes 5 minutes. I've tried all the browsers. (with ads off)

    Repair the log in and log out issue. I've tried several browsers all with the ad removal and shields set to off. After 25 odd years with Yahoo, I think I have to switch to another email if not corrected.

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  14. Been on yahoo mail for over a decade ... this past month or two, I have to re-logon several times a day, what is going on ?????????

    I get asked to relogon several times a day now - it was working fine for years, what happened ?

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  15. Allow MFA to be turned off

    Allow the "OKAY" button, after desiring to "TURN OFF" MFA to.. actually be a button!!!

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  16. I used to be able to remove certain sites from my feed. I don't want to see news from Hello! anymore. I don't care about their content.

    We used to be able to indicate we did not want articles from certain sources. I find Hello! particularly irritating and would just like it removed from my feed, please.

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  17. READ RECEIPTS and SEND RECEIPTS for sending and receiving emails


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  18. Need customer service for Canada

    I’ve been having issues getting into my yahoo account and no longer have access to the email and phone number for my 2 step verification. The number provided connects me to US and I’m told that I need a US debit/Credit Card to get back into my account. I find it odd that I need to pay the company to regain access to my account because I’ve never had to do this with other companies. Plus, a lot of companies don’t ask for credit/debit card info over the phone due to risks of fraud or scams. I also don’t understand…

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  19. please stop letting xrated spam through! we have had enough!

    Please stop letting xrated spam through my email. We have had enough. We are only able to block each individual email as it comes through. Is there not a way to keep this stuff from coming through. We are to the point of switching service providers and emails because of this!

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  20. Auto calculate stock price/ dividend payout after stock split & reverse split!

    Yahoo finance should be able to calculate the impact of stock splits/ reverse splits on the portfolio - the current version is very tedious and not user-friendly :((

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