US Weather

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10 results found
2nd ranked
Make it possible to delete a weather location
Please make it possible to delete unwanted weather locations added automatically to my list simply by viewing them. I am no longer using Yahoo for new locations in case more are added to my list.
26th ranked -
I would appreciate having MY location on my screen!
I have not cleared my cookies, Yahoo does not ask if the location is correct, Yahoo does not use my selected "favorites"... I'd rather have nothing over having the WRONG LOCATION!! From the looks of all the other "suggestions" on how to improve the weather, this suggestion will do no good! Ugh...
1st ranked -
Fix not seeing saved weather locations and let us see our monthly calendar & events on MYYahoo page!!
I can't see any of my saved weather locations anymore, that needs to be fixed!! And while you're at it fix that you can no longer see your monthly calendar on MyYahoo without clicking on "go to yahoo calendar" I used to have it on my home page with events for that week listed, you took that away! Like someone said let us decide what content we want on our page and get rid of that painful *** ad, it's inappropriate!!
6th ranked -
Yahoo Weather accuracy
Sorry guys but where are you getting your weather readings from?
I just come back from Zadar in Croatia (Europe) and the temperature there was 43 deg of C in shadow (Thursday 29-08-2019 around 1pm) and above 50 deg of C in sun areas (Saturday 31-08-2019 around 3pm), that was the temperature throughout the whole week, only one day was bit colder with thunderstorms.Putting a hand outside through the window felt like putting it into pre-heated oven.
Locals told me it was like that all summer. I saw an analog thermometer showing 43 in shadow, and several of souvenir…183rd ranked -
The Weather Homepage should not have the News search-bar. Many people put addresses in here thinking it will change the location.
Why have the News Searchbar on the weather homepage? I don't know how many times I and others I know type a zip code or city in that bar expecting the weather page to update and show the current weather for that location. Instead it runs a standard search and leaves the weather page altogether. I think the main search area on a WEATHER page should allow the user to search for weather, not news. I know there is a Change Location button further down the page, but it is not intuitive or user friendly based on other websites.
97th ranked -
how do I delete old locations?
be able to delete old locations
37th ranked -
When will the radar animation be fixed?
When will the radar animation be fixed?
183rd ranked -
Apple iPod Weather App Not Working - Uses Yahoo Weather
You stopped supporting the Yahoo Weather App on 1/18/2019, despite the fact that it was one of the best in the App Store. This week, you have stopped supporting the Apple Weather App, which received its data from Yahoo Weather. Slowly, you are closing down the good things about Yahoo. Sadly, I may need to stop using any of your services, altogether.
141st ranked -
A dashboard weather widget on macOS stopped responding to the forecast updates once again
There's this recurring issue with the dashboard weather widget on macOS, happens periodically. All of sudden the widget shows empty space. Would be pleased to see you fixed it, guys.
263rd ranked
- Don't see your idea?