Overrun with Fox News stories.
Way, way too many alt-right Fox News articles on your website. Please give your users an option to block them.
mara jade commented
What are you talking about, William? Yahoo is loaded with way, way too many extremist alt-left communist articles.
Rick Young commented
Holly ****! I cant believe there are so many libtards on this site!!!! Y'all do realize that the democrats are taking us down the road to communism right? How can 35 trillion be acceptable? how can inflation and the fact that they allowed the largest invasion of any country in the history of our planet be acceptable. They are putting Americans out of hotels and putting illegal immigrants in them at our expense. They are using our tax money to cater to them!!! I am down right ****** that the democrats are selling out America.
Tom Calarco commented
I hate FOX News and I'm starting to feel the same about Yahoo. Especially with its use of AI and algorithms. Stop sending me FOX News! It's pure propaganda.
NeoRocket commented
FOX News has never met any actual journalistic standards of "The News". They are basically the Weekly World in broadcast. Murdoch has killed journalism in the USA. I thought he left Australia. But I am on a few FB Aussie sites. And he is still active there and the Aussies are fed up with him also just as much as here. For the exact same reasons.
Mitch Crammer commented
Way too many far right / fox fake news articles. Please fact check before you put the article out there if you want to be taken serious.
Christopher Torres commented
I agree. Who is anti-Latino racist that only posts these Fox News stories to my news feed? Nearly every single story from Fox News and other right-leaning outlets is anti-Latino and anti-immigrant.
Elizabeth Shea commented
My news feed looks like a right wing Q forum. I'm actually going to stop coming to this site if the algorithm doesn't change.
GLENN E MILLER commented
You cant be serious with this
DON CODY commented
Yahoo is clearly a far right org. so they are naturally going to force their tainted views on everyone using yahoo. As an Independent this just pushes me more left.As a result of their bs I just find I spend less time using their products.
David Wellbeloved commented
If I wanted to read FoxNews lies, I would just use that as my homepage. Please allow users to choose the news content on their home page.
c b commented
Equal amount of Republican news and demacrats news please
Alt right lol half of fox news is black American reporters. Stop speading lies and hate for Republicans