Whatever bots you use to censor comments are broken. I've been trying to post a benign comment that doesn't attack anyone, doesn't use any profanity, and doesn't use any of the other stupid words you Yahoos have deigned to censor (because you're retards, one of the words you censor). Yet you will not post it, you keep deleting the comment. It is incredibly frustrating and one of the reasons why I'm about to drop Yahoo and never visit your sites again.
Karen Duarte commented
I review what I send. You site but aren't specific.
Karen Duarte commented
Perhaps the censors for community content need to learn how to manaage what is said correctly and isn't correct. I have not used derogatory language in my posts but you keep blocking it. I have stated facts.
Dale Juneau commented
stop censoring my comments
Timothy Hess commented
I have been "rejected" so many times that your mama is now calling me by my first name! She forgot yours! Not one f*#king response from your AI! Not even a how are you doing Tim? Your company is a laughing stock of all who hold FREEDOM dearly! None of you have served the country! You can tell! Lazy ***** all!
Kevin Watters commented
Your AI is a big pile of ****. It refuses to let many people even talk. It is deciding what people can and can't say is ABUSE of power in my book. Especially when the convo is not laced with cuss words or direct attacks.
Bet you ******** **** Putin
DK Rule commented
They are not smart enough to just TELL us which word(s) are the problem. Many times, an innocent word or abbreviation will cause yahoo to delete the WHOLE post. You can't even - at times- post a certain color, even if the topic is on art, lol. And god forbid you question someone's silliness... we are all too tender to deal with other people's opinions.
Yuh Huh commented
You can't even add comments that are updated information on an article without the comment being rejected. Yahoo are terrible and I wonder how Congress hasn't investigated this merry band of d*psh*ts by now.
Old Dude commented
When you can't even post the word 'test', then you know yahoo has a problem, AND I refuse to pay blackmail in order to get any help.
David Jackson commented
Diane commented
A Yahoo user who said he was a military veteran with a purple heart criticized how Israel treats Palestinians, so the Yahoo moderator doxed him. Turns out the military veteran was a man in his 70s living in a dangerous city in California. I reported this to Yahoo customer care, so the Yahoo moderator permanently removed my ability to make any comments on articles and removed from my account all of the comments I had ever made, for over two decades with Yahoo, a total of 2.7 thousand comments which had received 6.9 thousand likes. AOL has an identical format with articles and comments section, except AOL allows conservatives to comment. You don't even need an AOL email account, and every conservative comment I've posted that Yahoo has removed, AOL has no problem with, and allows me to debate politics with other users. Don't stay with Yahoo while they enrich themselves by silencing you.
JEFF JOHNSON commented
I'd post a comment but that would probably be rejected too.
Here goes....
Irene commented
Today, there was an article titled "Am I a Fetish or the Prettiest Girl In The Room? Why Attractive Black Women trigger White People" The article claimed that the painting "A Pair of Broad Bottoms" had been made to objectify black women, resulting in the expectation that black women have large bottoms and twerk. When I pointed out that the two people in the painting were actual people at the time (Sarah Baartman and Lord Grenville), who looked the way the painting had depicted, the moderator kept removing my comment. Apparently, he can't be bothered to do a google search before determining if my comment is factual enough to be posted.
The same is true for a later comment I tried to give explaining that only a small fraction of white Americans descend from ***** owners. This is a fact that has been attested to by several experts, including Nell Irvine Painter, an African American black studies professor and historian at Princeton University, in her book "The History of White People". Even snopes tries to exaggerate the percentage by pointing out that Adam Rothman, a historian at Georgetown University, claims 7.4% of white Americans owned slaves. Well, that's still a small fraction. Snopes takes issue because this number includes non-*****-holding states, but my comment never claimed to be only about *****-holding states and, further, ***** ownership came nowhere close to the majority of white households even in the South. Some states were worse than others, but I didn't specify I was discussing any specific state. Rather, I clarified I'm discussing white Americans today, the majority of whom, as I said, "do not descend from *****-owners". As widely known as this fact is, when I tried to post it, the Yahoo moderator blocked me from making any more comments and threatened to remove my yahoo account. Am I supposed to lie and claim the bulk of white Americans DO descend from ***** owners? Because your "terms and conditions" claim we're not supposed to lie in the comments section. If we are only allowed to post "facts", how come both your articles and the comments section are filled with leftist inaccuracies that we will have our Yahoo accounts removed for trying to correct?
Timothy Hess commented
4 months and you ******** are still gathering feedback! Hire the person back that use to merge comments together! Your company will go down the hil with this. ALL USERS COMPLAIN TO THE FTC about Yahoo's biased and gestapo tactics!
Dylan Hensley commented
A lot of comments containing valuable information are being deleted off of Yahoo Finance chat forums, and this is becoming slightly annoying due to the high and increasing volume of deletions. I understand the desire to protect users from severe vulgarity and/or racial slurs, but what I am referencing is multiple posts with statistics, links, and no profanity or inappropriate content of any sort. In my humble opinion, It's better to leave something offensive up than it is to take information of value down. Please consider this and make adjustments to the terminology allowed in the Yahoo finance forums for the enjoyment of your users. If it isn't a racial slur then it should be allowed in the forums. These forums are intended for adult investors/traders and it would be nice if the censorship guidelines could coincide with the intended audience. I'm sure this is an accidental error or some sort of glitch as it's only been the last couple days that I've experienced this issue. Thank you, I love the platform.
George Kovka commented
As the title says- I cannot currently post or reply. But I have received nothing that indicates I've been suspended, and I have not violated the Terms of Service- would gladly challenge that as a few provisions are subjective and I think I could easily show that any complaint I got is not valid for it.
Ash Hollis commented
Stop censoring people's comments when they don't violate any of your guidelines.
Rex B commented
I have had several comments deleted by Yahoo that had no vulgar language, did not threaten anyone in any way, and were only contrary to the premise of the story. I've had comments deleted that proved some of the reporting is wrong. What kind of an agenda is going on here? The only reason I come to Yahoo now is to negate a ton of garbage reporting that incites twisted truths and in more cases now flat out lies.
Yahoo Dude commented
suddenly I can not comment on articles. Why would I spend my time reading them if I can not comment on them?
Bob Haynes commented
I used the word "cr@p" and it was bleeped! (without the symbol I added in case it gets bleeped here too)
What in the hecking Flanders-esk, tightwad doogily is that?!(And for the record, the comment was about that 75 year old man police sent to the hospital:
"For crying out loud! You'd think the police would learn- especially during a movement against the exact **** like that!" )
Please tone down the censorship- it's getting way out of hand when non-swear words are targeted for censorship.
What's next, will "heck" be censored?De-doogily malakarooni right there, Yahoorooni!
brian schafer commented
Yahoo is censoring, zeig heil Yahoo A-HOLES!