New Mail
397 results found
Help me to remove an unwanted email
After getting rid of cookies and history I unwittinly opening a duplicate yahoo account which I can;t get rid of.
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Navigational when enter yahoo mail
The two screens that occasionally appearimg, either ask me for Yahoo Mobile Just one step away, or open Passkeys, are either as annoying as it was. Has Yahoo doing their best to get rid of the two screens for the sake of unnecessary steps?
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All my old mail is back in my account and my saved folders are gone. Disaster. It must have happened to more than me,
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What happened to the "Block" option ?
What happened to the "Block" option on email ? Bring it back !
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Emails not Delivered to Yahoo Accounts
Fix email delivery. Certain senders like Catholic Company, Morning Offering, Fruit of the Loom are not being delivered to my inbox after resubscribing and adding them to contacts and confirming they are not blocked on my side. These do not appear in the trash or junk folders. Tried using other e-mail services and these are all delivered with no issues. This started in October 2024. Please fix your spam filtering because legitimate e-mails are not being received.
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Get the reply and forward functions back. This is a very useful tool. The e-mail goes into "Drafts".
Hi there, I'm sorry to hear that! We'd like to further investigate this, can you message us directly on X at @YahooCare or on Facebook on our Yahoo Customer Care page? In case you do not have a social media account, please contact us at Thank you!
new yahoo e-mails
When I signed in to Yahoo, it said I had 10 new e-mails!!!! With the NEW yahoo email there was none posted. When I changed back to the old format, the 10 new e-mail were in my account!!! Why is that???????
Hi there! Thank you for reaching us and sorry about this issue. You can reach us over on through a DM @YahooCare or on our Facebook page Yahoo Customer Care via a PM.
Re-instate my email acct.
I would like my full email re-instated. I am not receiving ad's from providers . Also all email responses to articles has been suspended.
Hi there! We're sorry to hear this. Could you please share your email address with us in a Private Message on our Yahoo Customer Care page: We're looking forward to helping you!
Stop Making Me Log In To Other Email Account For Verification Code
Even though I have 2 factor log in disabled, every time I log in I have to log in to a second non-Yahoo email account to get a verification code to log into my Yahoo email account. Who thought it was a good idea to make me log into two separate email accounts to check email in one account?
Hi there! Could you please send us a DM with additional details regarding this matter on X/Facebook on our Yahoo Customer Care page? We would be more than happy to assist!
BUG: buttons move locations after opening next email
HUGE BUG: the icons for Move, Delete, and Spam move around horizontally sometimes when opening the next email (after deleting one). This means that you want to reliably click on "delete" through many emails, but instead you send some to spam instead.
Hi there. We would love to take a look into this matter. Could you please DM us with your email address and some additional details regarding this issue on X on our Yahoo Customer Care page?
Amazon email always appears shifted to the right, centered in my screen
This is specific to Amazon incoming email. All other email appears left-justified, next to Inbox in both X and Y coordinates, with the "Reply / Reply All / ... / max / min / X" menu in a predictable location. Amazon email somehow manages to shift six inches to the right, centered in my screen, under Calendar, narrower than any other email, and with the "Reply / Reply All / ... / max / min / X" also shifted six inches to the right, and overflowing into empty space on the right (the Min and X buttons are dangling off…
Hi there! We're sorry to hear this. Could you please share your email address with us in a Private Message on our Yahoo Customer Care page: We're looking forward to helping you!
Change temporary addresses nickname
I want to change the nickname i first created for temporary addresses, i didn´t notice that once you assign a name, all of them would have the same nickname in it.... please do something to change it, at leat for 1 time... mistakes happen, and yahoo is not allowing to fix it. Thank you!
Hi there, I'm sorry to hear that! We'd like to assist you, can you message us directly on X at @YahooCare or on Facebook on our Yahoo Customer Care page? In case you do not have a social media account, please contact us at Thank you!
All emails are now showing the wrong time. My computer shows the correct time. Can this be fixed? Thanks.
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block spam
Let users block spam again, spam keeps increasing massively lately. This is for me worth switching to another provider if it is not fixed soon.
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Expand the email filters
It would be tremendously useful if we could create filters using regex. I am getting many emails from the same domain, but the user is apparently different. So being able to block based on everything following the @ would go a long way. (Also, I get emails with empty return paths, which also should be something that obviously should be filterable)
Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. Could you please share your email address with us in a Private Message on our Yahoo Customer Care page ? We're looking forward to helping you!
IF you care to read my comments & other feedback message dated Jan 16 & 17/25, my email address was given to you already as Allow me to repeat " I did check yahoo help & had done much related research endless times since Jan 3/25 without success as per my catch 22 log in & inability to get verification code as I have described in my feedbacks to you dated Jan 13 & 20/25. As I stated already on Jan 13, I do not use Facebook. And I could not find a way to contact or message…
Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. Could you please share your email address with us in a Direct Message on our Yahoo Customer Care page by clicking on the link below We're looking forward to helping you!
Friends at Yahoo Care.
I did check yahoo help & had done much related research endless times since Han 3/25 without success as per my catch 22 log in & inability to get verification code as I have described in my feedbacks to you dated Jan 13 & 20/25. As I stated already on Jan 13, I do not use Facebook. And I could not find a way to contact or message you via X just now. PLEASE HELP AS I AM TOTALLY STUNK WITH THIS> This is my first time ever using this feedback feature ibn over 20 years…
Hi there! We're sorry to hear this. Could you please share your email address with us in a Private Message on X on our Yahoo Customer Care page: We're looking forward to helping you!
How to search for a an email that is only in my inbox?
I need to search for an email that is only in my inbox and not in all my folders. I can't seem to only get inbox results when I try to search I all the email that are also in my inbox and folders which I don't want.
Hi there! We're sorry to hear this. Could you please share your email address with us in a Private Message on our Yahoo Customer Care page: We're looking forward to helping you!
Emails that are opened should no longer be in bold as "unread".
This is less a new idea and really a bug.
1. Open an email
2. Go back to inbox
3. Opened email should no longer be bold as it is "read" not "unread"
4. Requiring manually marking it as read
5. Labor intensive, negative production and process hitHi there! We're sorry to hear this. Could you please share your email address with us in a Private Message on our Yahoo Customer Care page: We're looking forward to helping you!
emails from domain "zerodha" are not received
emails from domain "zerodha" are not received
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- Don't see your idea?