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2297 results found

  1. Bring back original format

    The format recently changed and it is horrible. Bring back the old format or at least give readers a choice of setting which format they’d prefer

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  2. 350th ranked

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  3. Page refresh 🤬

    Your news platform sucks. I can’t even type a reply to a news article without it refreshing the page while I am typing, all in the sake of money/advertising . I was an apps programmer and I have to say your programming is terrible. I won’t be using your news platform any longer.

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  4. Yahoo Won't Listen

    Like Farcebook, Yahoo never listens to users. Thinking of going,to Truth Social or look for a site where I can pick what I want to see.

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  5. Stop posting only News about Kamala Harris, it's too one sided

    Seems that the only headlines are about Harris and whats going on with her campaign, there is another candidate too ! Keep it equal, don't use the tricks put on by the democrats.

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  6. Stop the summaries if financial related emails!

    Stop the AI summaries or give me the ability to opt out. They are worthless and on 3 occasions so far they support a bad actors attempt to steal my Apple ID!

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  7. Your left wing B/S is so obvious! Grow up and stop bashing Trump!

    STOP bashing Trump, the greatest, most patriotic President in US history, bar none!!!!!

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  8. Fix the cyber attacks.

    Yahoo is being attacked by cyber criminals. For no good reasons, anti-trump comments are being deleted. Please investigate the manipulation asap.

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  9. Be more neural report the facts, your bias is showing. I prefer Agoofle because they have all sides of the story.

    Be more neural report the facts, your bias is showing. I prefer Google because they have all sides of the story. You have a duty to protect our Republic from misinformation, let us decide.

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  10. 153rd ranked

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  11. 1230th ranked

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  12. Keep the original hompage

    Please give an option to keep the regular mobile homepage, I will not be using it anymore if I am forced to the "new" page

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  13. No enter

    Здравствуйте. Скажите пожалуйста как такое возможно. Когда я был похищен сепаратистами я при помощи моего почтового ящика писал по всему миру с просьбой о помощи и в один день у меня пропал доступ к почте. При попытке войти писало, что такого почтового ящика не существует. При попытке создать почту с таким же именем писала, что такой почтовый ящик уже существует. Сегодня пишет так как вы давно не заходили ваш аккаунт был деактивирован. Причем в течении времени когда он был активирован мне писало, что его не существует. Вы можете восстановить мне мою почту?

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  14. A more equal news feed

    Provide as many news stories from conservative media outlets as you provide from liberal media. We don’t all think the same way some of us use facts and reason while others use emotion. Cater to both please.

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  15. Your Weather app needs serious attention.

    Your Weather app is again showing duplicate (and conflicting) forecasts on 10-day. This needs immediate and serious attention. Should be programmed, now, to NEVER happen.

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  16. Report NEWS -- not slanted journalism

    You breed hatred and discontent with some of your feeds.... Yellow journalism at its worst. The press secretary, as an example, didn't "crumble". Your adjectives would be hilarious if they weren't so misguided. Maybe some uplifting stories instead of sowing political discontent. I would NEVER access your website if I didn't have an email account through DirecTV/ATT.

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  17. No

    You added a annoying feature to delete e mails.
    Please turn it off.

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  18. I cancel summaries

    Get rid of AI Summaries!!!!!!! It will cause me to leave Yahoo and never return. I HATE them

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  19. Ananizi slkeyim

    Orospu cocugu gay ibne Yahoo

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  20. Stop censoring comments

    Your service is the most communist socialist left wing platform on earth. Your censorship has gone overboard. Assume your being controlled by the Democratic Party

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