Yahoo Homepage H
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2161 results found
873rd ranked
New name for Yahoo.
Since all your news is about trump. Call it
481st ranked -
Stop "rate limits" From Denying Access To Valid Users
I am recently getting "rate limited" notifications when I try to login to my Yahoo account, and am unable to login. I understand from research that this is likely a recent change to Yahoo's server, instituted as part of CloudFlare's efforts to protect servers from "bot" attacks. I also understand that this "rate limit" is something that can be changed (raised, lowered, or eliminated) by Yahoo on it's servers.
What can be done to stop what, in essence, is me being denied access to Yahoo because of this relatively new Yahoo server security action? Will Yahoo simply change/raise my request…873rd ranked -
Sports Format
New Sports format sucks. the big sections take up so much space. where is the list of MY sports teams. thats all i care about. and not all this frickin international soccer. i am in us!!!
873rd ranked -
maybe report the actual news
210th ranked -
Stop only allowing one side to comment on your articles.
Stop only allowing one side to comment on your articles. You let liberal people say almost anything, but when a non liberal posts facts in the comment area, they are either blocked immediately, or deleted after passing your first level of censorship. Yahoo always had a bad reputation for this, but it rarely happened to me. Unless this changes, I will take my business elsewhere, where news is not one sided propaganda.
13th ranked -
Stop posting about the Kelce's constantly!
222nd ranked -
Why all the articles from The Telegraph? It’s a British scandal rag and worthless propaganda. Stop filling my yahoo news with its junk.
Why all the articles from The Telegraph? It’s a British scandal rag and worthless propaganda. Stop filling my yahoo news with its junk.
80th ranked -
93rd ranked -
Actually read these ideas
Why would Yahoo include a section for ideas and suggestions, if they are not planning on using it?
I have spent the last couple of hours sifting through some of these great ideas for improvement, but have only seen one reply from Yahoo.
Your suggestion box is full. Read some of them!602nd ranked -
Eliminate political everything... you're to biased and onesided
Either turn on AI and use it in a neutral non biased environment or quit taking sides and just report subjects that elicit neutral responses
1221st ranked -
1221st ranked
Please add Lulu Retail holdings PLC ADX and Agility Global PLC DFM
Dear Yahoo Finance Team,
I kindly request the addition of Lulu Retail Holdings PLC and Agility Global PLC to your platform. Both companies are recently listed and are of significant interest to investors.
Thank you for your support.
1221st ranked -
1221st ranked
Change course
Your shithole site is way to biased! I see the first eight articles are ALL about Trump. How is it that you can even say you have news when you dont report on anything other than Trump? Changing course might help you out some. Of course ill stick around just to comment on how great of a job your writers and viewers perceive your cesspool of a page is and greet them with a smile and my opinion as well.
266th ranked -
go **** urself
stop making me authenticate constantly, i will leave ur sorry *** if it doesn't stop. u r getting on my last ******* nerve. it should not be a hassle every ******* time i go to check my email.
1221st ranked -
STOP USING DOUBLE NEGATIVES... "Hegseth wasn’t ever vetted..."
STOP USING DOUBLE NEGATIVES... "Hegseth wasn’t ever vetted..."
1221st ranked -
Fix your news feed. Grossly over represented liberal viewpoint.
Fix your news feed. Grossly over represented liberal viewpoint.
29th ranked -
Let people select a newspaper so they can see its five best headlines at top of Yahoo homepage.
This might inspire more people to both use Yahoo dot com and to subscribe to their local newspaper
249th ranked -
Less HuffPost and Salon
Less openly liberal terrorist supporters like HuffPost and Salon
192nd ranked
- Don't see your idea?