3 shots by 2 different players, at the same pocket - all 3 denied!!!
I played against Tlava and 3 shots were denied into the southwest corner pocket. 2 shots - exact same ball(14-Ball), sitting on the rail, Alignment arrow has a straight line - so the shot is as aligned, as much as your game allows. I shoot at ball - it goes to the corner pocket, the ball comes straight-back down the rail, after Tlava shot and missed her ball, I had almost the same exact shot onthe 14 again, once agian it was aligned, with a solid white line, showing it was going straight. Once again it came straight back out, then Tlava had a shot at a solid ball at the very same corner pocket (S.W.-Corner), The ball came stright back to her. I have noticed that all balls that come out pf the pocket without ever going in - Was in reality a made shot denied by your game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!