Let's see the top 15 stories use HuffPo in 6 examples. Since they hate Trump and are a confirmed Tabloid how about using other sources.
How about stories on the good economy or the low unemployment.
Benjamin&Katie Baeten commented
Its time we just leave. why should we continue to use and support a structure (yahoo, etc.) that is intent on demolishing America. If no one listened..... they wouldn't even be a problem anymore. Quite honestly, I'm just not interested in buying the propaganda that they are selling me. Besides, the comment section in my opinion fuels the fire, but doesn't really change anyone's mind or the outcome. if you want change, just delete your yahoo account. protonmail.com for a substitute email and The Daily Wire for news, Epoch Times (along with others). Goodbye Yahoo, Facebook etc. I wouldn't be surprised if THIS somehow was censored. It would be an honor.
Verizon / yahoo is biased. And Democrats tell lies, they removed comments because they can't handle competition bunch of cry babys.
Don't click on any yahoo links from home page hit them in the pocket book
Joe Richards commented
Huffpost & Yahoo are both part of Verizon.
John B B commented
Trump is a liar and a fraud and a fascist. the majority in this country hate him. that's why he lost the popular vote by MILLIONS !
mstrlaw commented
Avoid the bias, whether editorial or algorithmic!
I build https://thoro.news precisely because of this. I was sick of being fed always the same side of the news. Thoro clusters common themed news articles from hundreds of news sources and lets you read multiple sides of the story. Give it a try!