CoVid19 is not the Bubonic Plague so why the Pandemic
The CDC recommends that Senior Citizens stock up on food and other non-food supplies and hunker down at home if possible! Here is the issue with that Senior Citizens only receive monthly Social Security checks and they don't always fall at the beginning of the month. I and my husband are Senior Citizens his check comes the 3rd Wednesday of the month...mine arrives on the 4th Wednesday each month. We do not have a car any longer it broke down just before Halloween in 2019, we rely on our neighbors for transportation which we are happy to help them with gasoline expenses as this is only right. When it's time to go grocery shopping which will be this coming Wednesday we might be faced with possibly not being able to buy what we need due to hoarding. This Coronavirus will run its course and some Media affiliates are overdramatizing it as if it was Bubonic Plague, now there is hoarding in the Grocery Stores...Supplies are being triple shipped if not more due to hoarding. Now we all will be dealing with ( Supply & Demand ) price increases due to the hoarding. These individuals hoarding more than likely have jobs...children...bills to pay...along with cars to get them to and from were they need to go. Now the manufacturers are more than likely going to increase the prices of those products due to the hoarding knowing they can get it. When this CoVid 19 is over it has run its these hoarders have no money for their bills...Credit cards are maxed out but they have their supplies of goods and others do not...heres the kicker these hoarders are crying about the increase of all those supplies being too high in price at the same store's where they bought them from just a month or so ago all due to over Media panic has set in their Minds in believing everything that is told to them through the Main Stream for Fox News, this is a different story...sure you have to comply with some of this only due to your Corporate levels and procedures within the Governmental Law. We live in a Rural town with NO Public Transportation...NO Taxi's...not all Seniors have cash on hand for Dail-A-Ride, which is also limited and the costs are about $5.00 to $ 7.00 dollars one way and when you live in the outskirts of the main Rural Town then it gets worse. Now when its time for us to go grocery shopping we will usually do it for a month at that time...but now these hoarders have put us those Senior Citizen in Jeopardy to over HOARDING...this needs to be addressed NOW by either you Fox News or pass it along to the Governor...Someone needs to listen to the Voices of those Senior Citizens. Karen Arnold, I live in Portland Township, in Ionia, Michigan.

Benjamin&Katie Baeten commented
I work in our local hospital and can tell you that the numbers aren't what they seem. The hospital declared a "state of emergency" because they didn't have "bed space." The hospital is paid somewhere in the realm of $42,000 per day per patient...... Half of our patients didn't even need to be hospitalized. Reports for deaths were manipulated to fit the "Covid crisis" Scenario. Deaths? Yes. Covid has miraculously cured many other ailments though statistically.... if you go by the... numbers.
Well look at how many got and died from it
brian m commented
Yo Karen... The 1918 influenza pandemic wasn't the Bubonic Plague either..... It was only the flu... But it spread around the world, infected some 500 million and killed some 50 million. They called it a pandemic because it WAS. Covid 19 has not infected or killed that many... YET. But with ignoramuses like you going on about your business like nothing is wrong it will most likely rival the 1918 pandemic. Keep going out when you don't have to, infect everyone you can find, go to parties, the bars, etc. etc. Too bad we can't lock up all you ignoramuses in arenas and let the Covid take you out of the gene pool. Maybe as you lie there dying w/o medical assistance you'll realize just how dangerous this illness can become left unchecked.
Jeanne Roberts commented
This is liberal Yahoo's way of stopping independent thinkers from voicing their opinions and stacking the deck for Democrats to win their elections. This is how Hitler controlled the people by what they were told and what they were to believe. Yahoo can't handle the truth.
Kevin Anderson commented
Please let people know that upstate NewYork dose not start out of NYC UNTIL YOU GET IN THE ADK. You have NYC,southern NY central western and the north east in which is part of upstate. The governor thinks more of NYC because most votes come from their and the most covn19 cases when NYC has problems they rob,loot burn places even when they loss power .yet we can lose power for a week up here and don't commit crimes but our governor worries more about NYC when business are closing for ever up here in the real upstate NY . more NYC needs all the attention
laura kozma commented
expect the number of protesters to grow, begin the looting, riots, deaths to rise. Is it not smarter and safer to open up already? Start promoting reopening America instead of false predictions, unfounded forecasts and keeping us wrapped in fear!
Thank you -
Deanna Dixon commented
I do not want Covid updates unless I go looking for it. I do not need to click a link in my inbox nor do I need it to pop up on my phone.