Bring back the comment section
Bring back the comment section
Joe Dirt commented
I think the reason was because Verizon bought them, well now they sold Yahoo, bring back the comments
Michael Baker commented
Is there a way I can stop getting the Yahoo News feed? It's is pro-Socialist, it is fake news and I find it insulting and offensive. On second thought, never mind, I'll just move my e-mail functions to Google or something else.
Michael A Turner commented
It appears that Yahoo has joined the ranks of the biased liberal/socialist/soon to be communist news reporting. The articles you post are definitely left leaning biased report and you no longer want to see rebuttals or possible corrections to the articles. At the bottom of each article you make sure the add:
"Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting."
This is nothing more than plain BS. It's calling maintaining your OPINION without rebuttals. Its called
"Our goal is to create our opinion with out rebuttals and engaging nobody and that we feel will improve our community so we are suspending article commenting until we feel like reinstating it. -
mark chauvel commented
Bring back the comments. Freedom of speech has suffered enough lately!
Matt S. commented
Bring it back. As of now Yahoo stopped reporting news and is just giving there loony toon liberal opinions. Probably just dyed your hair rainbow colored too.
Scott Swiercz commented
How safe, just get rid of it! Gotta be a libtard! Lmbo
Joel Williams commented
Our voices matter to like them or not, our ideas our opinions matter! you publish **** out there everyday that we dont agree with and we are silenced! STOP!
Verizon/Yahoo make their money threw clicks on their content , so now that the did away with comments I will not click on any of their articles and deprive them of a pay check . Anyone reading this should do the same .
Brook Ehrenfried commented
So terribly written and edited articles, posing as journalism, are okay? BUT, a few disagreeable comments from random haters are what Yahoo focuses on?
Dan Bryan commented
Here is what I posted on Facebook.
This is the notice at the bottom of Yahoo News political articles.
"Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting."
Isn't that just full of all the right words to make readers ignore the blatant contradictions here? Ok, to accomplish their goal of creating a "safe and engaging place for users to connect", they disconnect the ability to engage, because to the left, other ideas and opinions are not safe. They are dangerous. Do they really think that this is "improving community experience"? Do they really think that the freedom to speak our minds can be squelched?
I can almost promise that it won't be temporary.
I can completely promise that we will not shut up and go away.
Yahoo News is fired. -
JD Holmes commented
I would like to know why the media keeps on making up lies and slandering Trump dems have stolen the election you got your president no need to continue making up lies about Trump,
Frank Bargeron commented
stop screwing up my e-mails. put it back lake it was so i can see my contacts and bringup my old e-mails
Anita Moss commented
Bring back the comment ection.
Charles Robinson commented
Someone need to comment on your news articles- you're damaging your image, in other words, you are too damn bias. Did any of your so called Reporters or repeaters of bullshit investigate any of the stories you present. Stop being bias and give us facts.
Eric Ford commented
The Yahoo News articles are not worth reading without having a comment section attached to each article.
Harry K commented
Yahoo states their goal is "to create an engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions". This is stated at the end of articles stating the comments have been discontinued. What a lie. BRING BACK THE COMMENTS SECTION!
Richard Curry commented
Very Trumpian of you to still not allow comments. National dialog is necessary in these times.
Curtis commented
Yahoo turning off comments is CENSORSHIP !!! Shame on yahoo for bowing down to the power that should not be !! SHAME !!
Jacqueline Damphier commented
Bring back the comments, we love to voice our opinion. Especially the employees from pilot and flying j got off with no charges or penalties. It figures that they would get off because it's a big corporation they're all over Tennessee and they have money and they won't be surprised if they didn't pay off the judicial system the judges that's what happens I believe here our judicial system is very corrupt they don't give you a free trial they don't do anything by the federal guidelines. They commit federal crimes by not obeying our constitution and violating civil rights but you never hear about that you never hear that get in the news how they swindle their way and taking children removing them from their homes when the parents don't know nothing what's going on and they refuse to give your their children back even when they were cleared and they hold up the court system for years and years so they can keep collecting Federal money it's disgusting it's inhumane how they treat these children that doesn't know what's going on that want their parents and this department of children Services are snakes in the grass they lie to get the money from either social security from the welfare department or whatever the millions of dollars that goes into this racketeering organization called child protective services and Foster Care they make more money and get more things than you would not believe they're not a wholesome have any family morals or any obligations to take care of any children they're only out for one thing and that's money
Verizon/Yahoo make their money threw clicks on their content , so now that the did away with comments I will not click on any of their articles and deprive them of a pay check . Anyone reading this should do the same .