Lety Loons
Wow I've seen it all, now I know why We got Fascist running the Country in to a Hole of Death, their Backers are Igiots, they think Inflation is wold wide, and the won't look up anything that their State Ran Fascist news tells them is a Fact, even when they are Proven to have LIED......This is what Ya get when you tell the Little Kiddies, there are No LOSERS just Winners.......LMFAO!!
TJ Photo commented
Stop posting these absurd, illiterate and warped political rants as something needing attention from yahoo News admin. You're wasting their time on your extremist views that you can't even express in a coherent way.
Tom Calarco commented
I think, I hope the fascist will soon be going to prison where he belongs. It's the perfect place, for him, just perfect.