Filter news by source
Please add the ability to modify the news in the newsfeed so i can view content that is most important.

Anonymous commented
There are some news sources which are unreliable and should not be posted on this news feed.
It would be nice to filter out these sources so I'm not wasting my time.
PhillyMikeL commented
I agree on all accounts. Would love to have the ability to Filter my news feed based off the news source.
Anonymous commented
I want to control which news sources appear in my news feed. and others are just a waste of pixels, and I refuse to read them and their biased garbage. So why force me to see their headlines - or does comrade Yahoo know better than I do?
Point Les commented
Yahoo is clearly saying the heII with everyone, you have to read the garbage we demand and too effing bad if you want anything else.
This question is a perfect example it once was in the top 20 and there were 13 other nearly identical suggestions in the top 100. Then one day Yahoo removed most of these suggestions and this suggestion suddenly dropped out of the top 200.
This intentional sorting out of non Yahoo agenda suggestions happens with surprising regularity. I have noticed it happen at least 5 times in the last year or so and I haven't even been trying.
You think I am lying?
Try and add a similiar suggestion and pay attention (I did this already). After a couple of months, my nearly identical suggestion (just a little simpler) got into to top 100 along with at least a dozen others.Then one day mine and most of the others simply disappeared. This was almost 2 years ago, and I have been paying attention ever since. -
Matthew Snapp commented
This will fix all those "bias" complaints, as then users can screen out those sources that they don't like, and Yahoo can be out of that whole political tarball...