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6128 results found
BRING BACK MY YAHOO PAGE - The replacement is completely inferior and not acceptable! HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT!!
BRING BACK MY YAHOO PAGE - The replacement is completely inferior and unacceptable! HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT!! If you are going to replace something, it SHOULD be BETTER. My Yahoo is way better and this new page is completely useless and no longer worthy of being a START PAGE.
1225th ranked -
Bring back my yahoo!!!!!!
You should have asked if I want the new page.
1225th ranked -
At least give the option of the previous layout.
This 'new page' looks like it is designed by a struggling Grade 7 student.
I have used MY Yahoo as start up page on my Mac probably all of this century .... the replacement is a joke!1225th ranked -
This new version of your Yahoo home page is terrible. Go back to the previous version otherwise you are going loose many patrons.
Go back to the previous version otherwise you are going loose many patrons.
1225th ranked -
your new look is HORRIBLE
your new look is HORRIBLE
1225th ranked -
bring back the old site
bring back the old yahoo this is terrible I will be looking to google for a new site
1225th ranked -
Hate the new Yahoo page? Yup. Try is customizable like the My Yahoo page was. It's a little clunky but WAY better than Yahoo's new and awful page.
831st ranked -
Yahoo- now what? Trump wins. you lose. People aren't interested in your woke, one sided nonsense.
Yahoo- now what? Trump wins. Yahoo loses. People aren't interested in your woke, one sided nonsense. PS- nobody cares what loser celebrities like Taylor Swift, Oprah, Robert Deniro, Cardi B or Beyonce think.
991st ranked -
Yahoo - your shameless and one sided backing for one candidate in the US presidential race is an embarrassment to journalism.
Yahoo- your shameless and one sided backing for one candidate in the US presidential race is laughable. How can you expect to be taken seriously as a news outlet when there is not one shred of an attempt to present an unbiased narrative. Pathetic.
991st ranked -
Your stupid system wont let me sing into my main account. I know the email and password. but it wants to verify me with another email. I have access to that one....BUT I NEVER GET THE CODE!!! You have a useless support system that does not help. The recovery info should only be needed IF YOU DONT KNOW YOUR LOGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
1225th ranked -
Please be advised that after authentication and logging back in I am not getting my portfolio's to download to my laptop computer. I am get
Please be advised that after authentication and logging back in I am not getting my portfolio's to download to my laptop computer. I am getting the portfolios to show up on my OAS phone app.
How do I solve this problem? Thanks.2884th ranked -
Be more balanced
You people are disgusting - all you post are negative articles about Trump - how about being more balanced? Do you not think some of the people on Yahoo actually support him? And then you post positive articles about the two Democrat goofs running for election. You are very dishonest
991st ranked -
Your entire webpage is so biased you are just as corrupt as CNN and all the far left media!
Pull your heads out of your *****!
831st ranked -
You need more diverse reporters and articles. I'm tired of the single left agenda.
You do realize there are more political views other than the single one you report from. It's tiresome and does not make you a reliable source of news as it is clear you are only interested in a narrative from your point of view. Real news comes from impartial middle ground.
550th ranked -
The New Rogers/Yahoo home page is "****", bring back the Old One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The New Rogers/Yahoo home page is "****", bring back the Old One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1799th ranked -
I cannot revert to Classic View in Yahoo Finance Portfolios. There is NO LINK AT THE BOTTOM of the page.
I cannot revert to Classic View in Yahoo Finance Portfolios. There is NO LINK AT THE BOTTOM of the page.
2292nd ranked -
Fix issues, hire new IT team.
So ever since the new Yahoo page change (which is awful), i cant comment, like or reply to comments.
I also cant click into any stock ticker, it just brings me to a "Symbol Look up" page. When i click on the tickers on this page, the Symbol Look Up page just reloads. I will be leaving this awful site for Bloomberg.
1799th ranked -
Bring back the Old Rogers/Yahoo Home Page, the new one is "****"!!!!!!
Bring back the Old Rogers/Yahoo Home Page, the new one is "****"!!!!!!
1799th ranked -
old my yahoo page please
my yahoo team .. did nobody think that the bookmarks we saved over the years on the my yahoo page were important to the user? Been using site for over 25 years and this is by far the worst error in thinking and implementing by the yahoo team. Always asked why I didn't use a google page and my response was always, i liked yahoo. If this isn't changed shortly, I unfortunately will be leaving yahoo.
1799th ranked -
Less focus on failed celebrities like Jimmy Kimmel, we're tired of seeing his face!
Yahoo inundates us with celebrities that most of us don't care about, the Kardashians, Emily Ratajkowski, Jimmy Kimmel, etc. There should be an opt out button so we don't have to see these stories.
1225th ranked
- Don't see your idea?