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762 results found
Make sure you are featuring celebrities at events like Traci Kochendorfer
many times you miss the other celebrities features at the events
while other sites do this. As some say here people want new and fresh said of the same old ones you post.404th ranked -
'Thrones' trills with Another Shoking De..." and a picture of Joffrey with blood spewing from his nose? Way to spoil an epidoe.
Stop spoiling shows!!!
'Thrones' trills with Another Shocking De..." and a picture of Joffrey with blood spewing from his nose? I know not to click on any GOT story until I'm caught up. But you spoil it on a unrelated page...nice work....solution avoid Yahoo!232nd ranked -
Post retractions. When you disseminate false information, own up to it.
A good example would be the Andrew Garfield/Batkid story. One day you suggest he's a horrible person by picking up a newsfeed from other sources. The next, you say that the story was incorrect- but you downplay your own role as a media outlet in spreading the lie.
If you aren't going to fact check so that you don't fall behind trending stories, at least take your share of the blame when you spread misinformation that can damage someone's career.
Your retraction should be just as big and bold as your initially-incorrect story.
56th ranked -
Better editing
You need to have better editors.... I have seen several mis-spelled words including "marriage" on the katie holmes story.
327th ranked -
404th ranked
You have October, 2013 news listed on my page on April 12, 2014. I cannot update it. Please help!
You have October, 2013 celebrity news listed on my front page on April 12, 2014 and it has been there since you changed everything!! I am unable to update it. Please help. Brenda Peden,
523rd ranked -
FEWER COMMERCIALS!!!!! You have way too many commercials....can't even stand being on the site!
FEWER COMMERCIALS!!!!! You have way too many commercials....can't even stand being on the site
91st ranked -
Loved OMG - HATE the new Celebrity format - especially the interspersed advertisements regarding financial planning and whatnot.
Your new "FEATURES" really "BUG" me! The new format is harder to navigate - where is WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? Liked the old style with thumbnail photos - new style makes the load up of the page take forever! Take away the stupid advertising between headlines, if I wanted to check on financial planning, I would not be reading YAHOO CELEBRITY! Whaddya think? DOH!
155th ranked -
Why is Pharrell Williams hat being referred to as "infamous"? Did it do something bad or evil?
Infamous is not synonymous with famous!
523rd ranked -
I did not appreciate the hateful remark tonight about Paula Deen. She showed her unforgiveness and hate. That was not called for.
I believe you will get a lot of backlash about this. the woman that added to the hate about Paula deen, to me is worse that the things that Paula said in the first place, but this woman on the insider, could not help herself and had to get in there and spread the hate on national tv just a little further, didn't she! that made me furious! I am tempted to put this on line and make it go viral so your program can get some of the same **** so you will know what Paula whet through. maybe…
523rd ranked -
The girl who said she will not use Paula Deen's recipes is not a Christian thing to say. I will not watch the show again.
The girl who said she would not use Paula Deen's recipes is causing me to not watch your show again. Too bad.
523rd ranked -
Laced heroine led to his death, not "lead" to his death.
Just noticed a typo you might want to correct on the PSH story.
232nd ranked -
This needs some serious editing.
The first paragraph had so many errors I couldn't read the rest of it.
232nd ranked -
Please change the type face for your articles.
The type face/font used on your website is almost illegible. It is like reading something that is too small and has been super bolded 5 times.
194th ranked -
Show some respect to our president
Please stop referencing President Obama as Mr. Obama. He is our president. It's ironic you give Prince William the respect of calling of calling him Prince in the same newscast on 11/27. If you like the president or not, he is OUR president.
36th ranked -
From 6 Stars Who Have Returned to 'Regular' Jobs By Elizabeth Durand Streisand
"As of now, it seems the star has not actually taken the next step and filled out a formal application online, but a representative from Ladbrokes insists she was "100 perfect serious."
Would that be the same as "100 percent serious"?
Suggestion: Hire a writer who doesn't rely on Autocorrect.
327th ranked -
Fix the link to the comment section. No longer able to go to referenced comment, from Yahoo email, or to open individual comments without
Unable to access, 'my comments' from Yahoo email or go to an individual comment. Only access sense second week of Jan 14, is to go to comments, then open 'my comment' then scroll down to find a comment. The link to comments no longer will open the referenced comment.
404th ranked -
LOSE THE BLACK SCREEN! Your godawful text blocks the lower HALF!
Your godawful text blocks the lower HALF! Get rid of that black screen totally. Let us see thumbnails on top and scroll sideways on a lg. screen. The black screen makes eye strain.
155th ranked -
What happened to the fashion disasters?
I haven't seen any new fashion disasters or "What Were They Thinking?" since December. They were fun to see. When do we get more?
327th ranked -
how about you get your website to just plain work? Click on something and you just get a blue ball of death spinning.
My suggestion is....FIX IT!!
168th rankedHi Kw,
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