Yahoo Homepage

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467 results found
Hi, I would like to use Yahoo in English language ONLY. Please stop switching to the local language, wherever I travel.
I would like to use Yahoo in English language ONLY. Please stop switching to the local language, wherever I travel.
Or help me changing language/location settings.
MarinHi there! Sorry to hear about the issue. Here is a page that can help in this regard:
Activation for E-Mail Account
This is not an idea but a plea for help. I am a disabled Veteran. My wife has tried to open an E-Mail account on but she can not make it happen. I need an E-Mail account so I can relay it to my VA Medical account. Of late the VA (Veterans Administration) has changed and I need an operational E-Mail account. I am not interested in paying for this to happen. If there is a cost, please don't bother with it. Also I do NOT have a Cell Phone. Thank you, Ewing D. Barrett, USAF Retired
Hello there! We are sorry to hear about this issue. In order to look more into it, please feel free to check For further information, you can also reach us on Facebook (Yahoo Customer Care) or (@YahooCare).
I WAS ATTACKED BY YAHOO MAIL TODAY! You stole all of the emails from my list and successfully thwarted my efforts to recover them WTF is up?
WTF is up with Yahoo ? you stole my list of emails in an effort to save money??? you WOKE BA$TARDS... I spent hours this morning trying to log in and check my email ! It was a coordinated effort to Mess with a 70 year old man that is SICK AND TIRED of your efforts to make my life a pain !!! please have YOUR CS department FIX MY EMAIL THE WAY IT WAS AND STOP FIN WITH MY ACCOUNTS IT IS HARD ENOUGH TO MANAGE THEMN much less have them changed every time I try to log in!!!…
Hello there! We are sorry to hear about this issue. In order to look more into it, please feel free to check For further information, you can also reach us on Facebook (Yahoo Customer Care) or (@YahooCare).
help w verification yet no devices.
I just upgraded my modem but now when my dad logs in to his yahoo account, it asks to verify my sending codes to MY email or phone. He does not have a cell phone. I added our home phone but it is a wall and not digital. It does not accept those numbers then asks for txt # or phone num. He does not have them and any time he wants to log in it wants to verify by sending codes to my phone or email not can he access or verify when he does not have a…
Hello there! We are sorry to hear about this issue. In order to look more into it, please feel free to check For further information, you can also reach us on Facebook (Yahoo Customer Care) or (@YahooCare).
Comment Support (freedom of expression should be allowed)
Please stop doing business with OpenWeb. They are politically bias because they keep blocking my recent comments on yahoo. I suggest that Yahoo allow all kinds of comments to be posted regardless of profanity or derogatory words. It just makes the comments more lively and natural. What I meant by this is that reading other people's comments open up my perspective. If Yahoo keep removing or rejecting my comments, than I feel like I have no need to ever visit Yahoo website or use Yahoo email ever again.
Your new homepage is terrible. The old one was much easier to use and user friendly. Why can't I have a choice of which one to use?
Your new homepage is terrible. The old one was much easier to use and user friendly. Why can't I have a choice of which one to use?
Please STOP making me double verify to log in....It annoys the **** out of me
Stop making me double verify with a text message every other time I log on....It's really annoying
I click on " Product Support (Admin, Yahoo) responded " and I get nothing.
When I click on the link " Product Support (Admin, Yahoo) responded " it takes me to the page "My feedback" but the page shows nothing. This occurs on every Feedback that I look at.
Why have a link that takes me to a page that tells me nothing?
Why not display what the feedback from support said? -
comment section, why can't I view the comments?
WTF did I do to **** you off, every time I click on the comments, the page disappears. This has been going on for **** near a year now. I have mentioned this to several times, I even up dated to windows 11, which still did not fix anything.
stop denying me access to my account
I have an account in yahoo!, that I do not have access to, because, although the password I use is correct, I need to verify the account via email or phone. The phone number is old and I do not have access to it. The email is up-to-date, but you at yahoo! refuse to use and send me the 6 digit verification code to it!!! I had similar issues logging in back in October 2021, when this account was also used for access to Coinbase, and I had over $100,000 there. You (Yahoo!) made me jump through hoops to gain…
Why can't I post?
So can you explain why my attempted post of the word "test" to the article "How the Supreme Court’s immunity ruling can help Donald Trump fight off all the criminal charges against him" is being blocked?
Want much less Fox
I looked through similar requests, but don't see steps to remove or lighten up Fox news articles on my home page.
Can this be done? Lots of similar requests.
comments section?????
Why is it that after reading one of your posted news articles I see that a certain number of people have made comments but when I click on comments it disappears.
Get rid of the blatantly obvious bots.
Greg, Joe, Charles, Sharon, Lindsey....every single named person on here practically spam posts the same nonsense regardless of what the story is. Either get rid of the bots, half of whom are too inept to login a different account to "debate" and/or agree with themselves and Yahoo makes no effort to get rid of them. Either do something or just shut the comments off all they do is ruin every conversation.
you need to change to something other than Openweb. and whoever they use for their comments and moderating is the most toxic, bias, miscensored, threat to society i've seen in a while. the publishing list you have is very "terroristic" is the only word i can think of to describe the garbage that certain sites like or
You dumb *****. Why the **** would you stupid site take you to another page after signing in to post a ******* comment.
Yahoo hires idiots.
My idea is if you ban people from commenting on certain post at lease let them know why.. Just don't say your post failed...
At least let people know why they can't post or there post failed to post.
Why does Yahoo automatically reject comments without any reason other than to manipulate the conversation?
The automatic rejection of comments is DESTRUCTIVE to fluid conversation and free speech.
Why was the following comment censored?
"the article referenced a 1952 edition of Naval Aviation News, which explained that “passengers in Navy transport planes have ten-fold better chances of coming out of crashes alive, thanks to backward-facing seats.”
Well... I guess if your fight has a scheduled crash along the way you're set...!!
What is the purpose of rejecting comments without actually reading them?
Yahoo needs to fix their broken moderator button -
I see that the RACIST angle can't be replied to?????? why couldn't I respond?!?!?!?!?!
I see that the RACIST angle can't be replied to??????
why couldn't I respond with the following reply??????
~~~ A mental breakdown of society? ~~~
Are the racists at YAHOO offended?!?!?!?!?!?Yahoo's "MODERATION" seems to be TARGETED
Problem posting comments
For some unknown reason, after the DECADES I have used Yahoo, suddenly I am being blocked from being able to post any comments. In addition, Yahoo News seems to think I ma in Oklahoma when I am in Kansas. How about taking a look at what is going on and correcting it.
- Don't see your idea?