You've done it again. You have merged my comment with one you INCORRECTLY closed because the "show less" option STILL DOES NOT WORK!!!
This is truly ridiculous. I am trying to communicate to you that a feature of your website does not work as intended and the only response you have is to merge my comments with an already closed thread. Don't close my comments. Don't merge this with an old, already closed thread. FIX THE SHOW LESS OPTION!!!

Our Engineering team is looking into this. If you could let us know what about the “show less” option isn’t working we would appreciate it. Please provide specific publishers if possible.
Homepage Support
Lesa Kaplon commented
I agree! I have repeatedly chosen the Show Less option for Yahoo Shopping Inspirations and it STILL shows up on my news feed! If they're not actually going to Show Less, why even have the option?
Pam commented
Product support DOES know that the 'show less' option does not work. They just don't care!
Nonya Business commented
How in the world does 'Product Support' NOT know that the "show less" option does not work????
I currently have Huffpo on my list of 'show less' pages, and I have NINE of their articles on my news feed. I may as well just use Huffpo as my homepage at this point!!!!!
Yahoo is not really into customer service, they just want to find a way to placate anyone that they don't consider woke enough, while continuing to feed us the same hard-left-extreme liberal-fake news-drivel. -
J.K. commented
Show less option isn't working. You know it isn't working. You make us think we can stop the left wing news from showing up on our feeds, but when we click that button, it still brings up those articles. There is never anything pro-Trump on the feeds. It's all left-wing hate filled nonsense. When we click "Show less from this source" we expect that source to stop coming up. But instead, it seems to start showing more from those sources! I don't get why it's so hard for you to understand this "feature" IS NOT WORKING!
robert howard commented
The very first article that showed up on today's feed was from a source that I choose to see less of. Why is the trash that I don't want to see showing up first?!
robert howard commented
L E S T E R A. M E A D E commented
A button to notify yahoo of suspected fraud on yahoo mail!
On main page - a button for "never want to see again"
Lee A Johnson commented
How do I select what subjects I see across the top of the home page? I do not see some options I want to see and some I do not ever want to see again. It is not right YOU choose what I see.
Mackenzie O'kelley commented
Want to be able to filter out news topics as well as turn of notifications about those topics. I get 12 plus pop ups on my phone about covid 19 through my email a day from the mail app. I am sick of it and honestly don't care! Want to be able to filter out topics and not recieve unwanted pop up notifications about them that aren't even mail.
Jason Cherry commented
Getting really tired of seeing trash articles from the same handful of sites that I have marked with your bogus 'Show less from...' feature. If you are going to blatantly ignore it then just remove the **** option. Literally every 'article' on my page if from a site that I have said I don't want to see. Frankly I don't care about anything that so called 'celebrities' think or do and I don't want to look at the pathetic idiots. Fix the **** feature or do away with it!
Alan Rosenbaum commented
Why on earth do you include news from "Carmudi" in the newsfeed for US customers??!! Please delete!!
xrayeyes commented
My list is too long, I am tired of getting news that I don't want to see anymore.
David Bearden commented
why do you show the same stuff over and over. and post the truth not ********. Why do you show the ******* Kardashian's over and over you give a ****.
David Bearden commented
why do you show the same stuff over and over. and post the truth not ********.
Xavier Diaz commented
When I go to unsubscribe for irrelevant new topics from publishers i don't necessarily read...i click show less then reload the page and the same new outlet is there and i cannot go to show less because its already highlighted to be shown as "less". I even went to manage publications and deselected the ones that aren't for me...yet no change!
Steven Heller commented
Again today, I deleted 17 stories from The Daily Beast on Yahoo's politics page. I have them on my publisher's list to see less from. I wonder what it would be like if I didn't have them checked for less news.
Kevin Perrone commented
Show less should actually show less or completely block the news organizations we dont want to see.
Larry McAfee commented
Why is it that when I choose to show less post from a particular site, I actually end up getting more posts from that site? It seems as if you do not value your followers!
Steven Heller commented
I am with all the others. I get tired of having to delete articles from the groups I have already clicked as show less. Some days I eliminated close to 40 articles from publishers on my show less list.
Warhorse taylor commented
why, when I delete a news source such has huff puff, it keeps coming back?