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12 results found
Allow me to select 'NOT football' for the Scoreboard
I f'hate football - why must it be all I can see on the scorecard.
Make it configurable or give me back or allow me to hide the scorecard.
11th ranked -
Wendell Carter Jr. has been playing PF for 7 straight games please update him.
Wendell Carter Jr. has been playing PF for 7 straight games please update him.
11th ranked -
Stop publishing stories that are extremely old, out of date, and therefore no longer correct.
Shailene Woodley confirms she's engaged to Aaron Rodgers
The Associated Press
Updated 22 February 2021 <-----
2-min readNo longer engaged nor dating each other, like for years!
10th rankedHello Thomas,
Could you provide a link to the story you are reporting? Also, include directions how exactly you were able to get to the link.
Product Support
8th ranked
Could you please provide a link to where you are seeing the incorrect logo being used if this is still occuring?
Product Support
8th ranked
Hey Ernest,
Thanks for reaching out.
Could you provide a link to where you are seeing Penn State referenced for Penn?
Product Support
Additional league or sport coverage
Requests for additional league or sports coverage on Yahoo Sports.
5th ranked -
Player page feedback
Feedback on player pages
2nd ranked -
GameChannel & StatTracker feedback
Feedback on GameChannel/StatTracker
6th ranked -
Favorites and customization
Feedback on favorites and other site customization.
4th ranked -
Commenting feedback
Feedback on commenting and moderation on Yahoo Sports
3rd ranked -
Ad feedback
Feedback on ads and pop-ups on Yahoo Sports
7th ranked -
Article feedback and suggestions
Feedback related to specific article
1st ranked
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