New format sucks!!
I don’t know whose idea it was to change the homescreen. It is horrible and I for one will not be scrolling Yahoo! for news articles until you switch back.
Next time do a trial run with your readers before making a major change such as this.

Scott Kiene commented
First I love the new format. Turn phone sideways so I can see what the story is about, then flip it back so I can read it! Oh wait, I forgot the best part! Before I can read it, I have to hit the back button then forward button because it didn’t load. I can usually get it to load after 2 or 3 times. Then I read a line or 2 before I can read the whole story, the story disappears. That’s ok , I can spend the next 20 minutes with scrolling down and maybe I’ll find the story and start over again! Love the new format!
Christopher Moll commented
Atvthe very least stop filling this site with lies. Us, people, entertainment weekly, fox news, ny post etc are not factual news. Adding Ap, Reuters, does not make up for ****.
Christopher Moll commented
I don't want to use your app for my mail or anything else ... I want to use my browser.... because I have protections in my browser from you tracking me, sending me junk and I'm still ****** at you for screwing with my yahoo
terry Islandman commented
I need to see my portfolio which I carefully setup,I need to see my sports update,I need to see All my RSS feeds
terry Islandman commented
You need to be honest with us,are you bringing back My Yahoo or not?
I can't believe this is how you show loyalty,for over 30years I did and now you can't even give us the respect I think we deserved.
Shame on you.
If I don't get any hint from you iam moving on from Yahoo come the new year.
Ball is in your court. -
terry Islandman commented
Are you trying to get rid of us?Who gets to decides what we like?Iam so confused as to why,as far as iam concerned this My Yahoo homepage is very popular.
Now why would you choose to elimate ?
Not enough money?
Why are you trying to push us away?
I got so many thoughts as to why. -
Anonymous commented
Bring back the My.Yahoo bookmarks from my homepage of the past 30 years!
William Lambert commented
New Yahoo is worthless. Bring back my yahoo or I am outta here.
David Bernard commented
I agree. This stite now implies that everyone is the same. Was so much better when I could see all that was important to me on one page.
Larry Bremer commented
2 weeks ago I could wake up, open My Yahoo, and see the current weather in 3 cities, how my stocks were doing, and most of the major story headlines all on one page.
Now I have to dig and search and still can't find some of it, and it's not easy or convenient.
Lesson 1, if you can't improve it (like fix the broken "Current Location"), don't touch it
Mark Shappell commented
I just switched to I was able to recreate my yahoo home page almost exactly. Including weather and stocks. You will have to subscribe to get stocks. $24/yr.
Larry Bremer commented
Thanks Yahoo. Now I can't quickly browse my portfolio without going thru multiple screens and even when I do I can't see the instantaneous up or down change.
I can't see the weather at my location or 3 other cities I follow, need to go to another app and check each one by one.
I can't see a brief listing of current news items from Fox or even Yahoo, I have to go a long list of stories new and old.
And I can't find my Alta Mater NCAA scores or playing time, I am now going to the Universities web site.
In short, it's cumbersome and messy to use Yahoo, now dysfunctional like Google or MSN. -
john stanton commented
I want back
Anand Kothapeta commented
Yes, now, back
Donald Lloyd Iseman commented
Where's my portfolios?
Donald Lloyd Iseman commented
Bring back!
terry Islandman commented
My Yahoo homepage was very popular, it's my first click every morning.It was my complete package,news from around the world,sports,my portfolio,weather.
Well balance view,not this constant streaming of news stories.
Please,Please,Please bring back My Yahoo.
You are pushing us away,why can't we have both? -
Anonymous commented
This new format is awful! I can't rearrange where items appear on the page. Bring back the old format or allow us to opt for it.
kent harriott commented
Bring back the My Yahoo.Com
Yahoo shame on you. -
Analog W Kid commented
Bring back My Yahoo. I've relied on it for decades now. I cannot fathom the justification for Yahoo doing this as a shrewd business decision.