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16 results found

  1. 355th ranked

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  2. Traitors of humanity

    Thought I just did that. You all disgust me. Everything you do is manipulation and straight up gross. I have been disgusted with this country since a couple years after 9/11 when I realized it was all a bs lie. Anyone with a brain knows. Nothing to do now but a revolution. The fat cats (inbred bankers) need to meet their maker. At all costs.

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  3. Remove blocking features on app

    Remove blocking features on app and website. It is the government's job to do that. If there is harassment and we simply block people then we are simply ignoring a problem in society that won't go away. Blocking dehumanizes and degrades someone who is obviously needing mental help. It lets me know that this is a PR website that is now my enemy.

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  4. New Format doesn't allow swapping between accounts without login each time. This is horribly inconvenient.

    Allow swap between accounts (maintain sign in to multiple accounts) like you used to.

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  5. 355th ranked

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  6. Yahoo comments creates disfunction when you login to make a comment and you’re place in an article different from the one you logged into

    Yahoo comments creates disfunction when you login to make a comment and your place in an article different from the one you logged into. This has happened several times

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  7. Share less. I mean share less

    I see news that i want to share less. Infact not to share at all. But you send it more. I used my email here for a while. But you keep sending news i dont want. When i said i dont want. If this keeps going i will get another email and not use you. And i will say the same thing to others. Cause there is plenty of others that stop showing news that you dont want to see.

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  8. Yahoo homepage stories & pictures

    Why don’t story links download the pictures you have associated with that story? Only 20% of the picture will load. Also, why post a story from MarketWatch when you have to have a subscription to read it?

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    Thank you for your feedback! Would you be able to let us know what articles you are viewing with the pictures that don't load? Urls / screenshots would be helpful for us to troubleshoot. Thanks again!

  9. temporary network error

    When comment, It keeps saying temporary network error, But my network is fine.

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  10. Inaccurate information

    The Raiders cannot make the playoffs. There is no scenario where they can beat the Titans on strength of victory. Please stop publishing inaccurate information that might make them put in players who should be resting.

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  11. 294th ranked

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  12. Allow Deleting and Reposting Comments So That Errors Can Be Corrected

    Allow Deleting and Reposting Comments So That Errors Can Be Corrected. It seems Yahoo comments can't be edited for grammatical errors once posted. Please allow users to delete, correct and repost their comments. Or add "Edit" option along with "Delete" action to a posted comment. Here, I could edit my post to correct minor mistake. This is what we need for normal postings. Thanks!

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  13. news feed organization

    List news stories by date and time posted. I get 2 day old stories in my feed, but do not see same story when fresh. Annoying.

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  14. 294th ranked

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  15. I thought once removed a unwanted article from a unwanted publication it would get it don't want to see these types of articles... UNWANTED


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  16. Headline Scrolling

    I used to be able to scroll Yahoo's headlines. Can't do it anymore. Something has changed in recent months, not for the better. The little dots below one of the headlines is still there. These dots used to tell me I was on headline 1 of several. Now the dots are all the same shade of grey and the scrolling feature with a swipe from right to left doesn't work.

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