Make the home page more tailored
I would love to get rid of all the sports stuff and the "Scoreboard" "Trending" "Horoscope" and other junk on my homepage.
And get rid of the ads - don't make me buy Yahoo+ for that. You make plenty of money off the links. No need to squeeze me dry.
I would love it if I could get rid of a news source like Business Insider and then NEVER see them again. Why does it come back again later? BI is still the same old ****** news service that I tried to delete.

Mark commented
I am bewildered as to why yahoo has made their bad website even worse. The financial content is a disaster.
Ever since Yahoo upgraded, I cannot get back to my classic homepage. The classic homepage has all my bills saved so I can pay them. Please get me back to the classic homepage.
evan waters commented
Bring back "My Yahoo"!!!
evan waters commented
Bring back "My Yahoo"!!!
Albert Grimes commented
I guess I have your new I am not impressed. I can't use my old home page. Everything I have read says this default homepage can be customized. What I have read says use the customize option in the navigation menu. I guess the menu is the line of options, i.e.mail, finance, sports etc directly below the address bar. I have even clicked on "more." I do not see any customize option. So far, I think your new "update" is garbage.
Crl D ShlrJr commented
A simple "block" function would let users regulate which sites they see. Allowing choice to rule.
Jason Moomey commented
If you are in a keeper league you cannot view your team in the off season on moblie please help.
Gerald B Lachniet commented
You are targeting me with news from places not relevent to me! Stop sending news not relevent to my area!
Elaine/Bill Tabacinski commented
I Dp Not want to see movie stars, sports figures, and fashion shows on my Yahoo opening page. User whould be able to opt out of these subjects.Most of the time I do not even know who these people are and could not care less about them!